Where it really began

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A couple days had passed, and Derrick couldn't keep himself off of Vanna, he wasn't even worried about tryna mess around with other girls or keep a cover anymore. Only thing was, the guilt of the fact he knew he jeopardized her health was tearing him up inside. He had to tell her....but he couldn't just up and say he knew he had it, she would really be pissed , she would never forgive him. He had to make it seem like he just found out. He looks at himself in the mirror, all the lies, all the hurt you caused. It's starting to show in your face. You gotta make this right...with everyone.

*the night of Anastasia's rape, he went to the guy he had his first male encounter wth for comfort, they had sex that night so there was a possibility he could have it as well*

He texts Vanna.
"Link up when you get out of class?"
Vanna: "of course 😉"


Vanna can't wait to see Derrick, if she would have known he was okay with her transformation she would have been said something. There was one thing she regretted tho, damn why couldn't she have waited. Oh well, he was hers now and she could officially say he was the best she ever had. She couldn't wait for class to be over with.
He walks up behind her and covers her eyes with one hand while grabbing her by her waist with the other.
"Missed you beautiful"
She smiles and kisses him.
He starts up some regular small talk while they walk to the food court. He couldn't wait anymore, she was such a good person, she made him feel comfortable instead out of place and he couldn't hide it anymore.
"Vanna, I went to the clinic today, you know, just to do some yearly blood work. I recently contracted HIV and hepatitis B&C...I'm so sorry, cuz there's a chance I gave it to you....."
Vannas whole face changes.
Derrick: "Vanna, please forgi..."
Vanna: "we can't talk about this right now Derrick"
She turns to walk out and he tries to stop her.
"You're not gonna eat?" He asks.
"I'm not hungry anymore" she says leaving before he could say anything else.

Meanwhile, Bernice is blowing Namoi's phone.
"You gonna answer that?" Leah asks inbetween kisses.
"For what?" Naomi says through a moan "she's more than likely going to spazz out about what she walked in on...and I'm NOT trying to hear that" Leah laughs, then throws her on the bed as she undresses and makes love to her. When they finish Naomi lays her head on Leah's chest, you are the BEST thing that has ever happened to me. My life makes so much sense now. "I can relate" Leah says kissing the top of her hair. Bernice calls once again. "Ughhhhh" Naomi groans as she picks up her phone. "I better make sure it's not an emergency".
Naomi: "hello"
Bernice: "Naomi! How are you? Where are you? Are you..."
Naomi: "I'm fine mom...is something wrong?"
Bernice: "no love I just really, REALLY need to talk to you. As soon as possible please...Ima stop by your fathers office before I come home to find out how long he has to work this evening. Maybe we can have some girl time. She face palms herself for her word play
Naomi: "umm sure...mom... I, I guess. I'll see you later ok?"
Bernice: "Naomi..."
Naomi: "yes mom?"
Bernice: "I love you. You know that right?"
Naomi: "yes mom....love ya too..."


Derrick decides he's going to let Vanna cool off, he love that girl but he not tryna die behind her. He decides it's time to go ahead and tell his first male encounter that there might be a possibility he contracted the virus' Derrick had to live with. He gets to the door and takes a deep breath, tries his best to shake the quiver off before knocking on the door.
"Come in"
Says the voice behind the door
He walks in
"Well hey there handsome, you didn't let me know you were paying me a visit"
"I'm sorry dean Richard" he says looking down. "I wasn't sure if you were still pissed about me and your daughter or not"
Dean Richard: "my daughter? What do you mean?"
Derrick: "we broke up....I thought you knew? 🤔"
Dean Richard: "I haven't...uhh.. I've. Been busy. Does she know about us?"
Derrick: "no, of course not....she left me for a girl...the irony? Right? 😅"
But the dean wasn't laughing
Dean Richard: "well how will we keep this up then? You spending so much time with me now even though y'all are done will surely break our cover"
Derrick: "we don't need a cover anymore"
Dean Richard lets out a hearty laugh "what do you mean? You think I would ever let my wife, daughter, or anyone else for that matter find out about you⁉️"
Derrick: "no! What I mean is I'm done...I can't do this anymore. There's someone else..."
Dean Richard: "someone else?"
Derrick: "yes! And, there's SOMETHING else. I contracted some virus' you can't get rid of....I can't tell you how I think I got them but you might want to check yourself."
Dean Richard is just smiling an evil, uncomfortable smile. "So when you say someone else you mean Irvana right? Or shall I say Irving?"
Derrick can't believe what he heard, how does he know...
Dean Richard: "yeah, i know all about you and Vanna, see  she opened up to me before she opened up to you. Literally. I popped that cherry. And also, you caught HIV and hepatitis B&C from me 😈"

Derrick couldn't believe what he heard. He had to get to Vanna. He knew he still couldn't say anything to anyone else because, who would believe him? It was his words against the deans, and the dean had power over everybody. Plus, what he said only fell over their ears...at least so he thought. Considering, neither one of them knew Berenice was standing there listening the whole time.

Who betrayed who? (Part 6)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن