Malfoy and Mya.

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Walking through to the platform she waved bye to her mom, turned her music up and found the head compartment. As soon as she sat down she noticed the shaking of her hands, she need a hit of anything. Digging through her tunk she got out a packet of smokes for later and backed some pills. Laying back, she lit a cigarette and watched the scenery go by, when her train of thought was interrupted by the carriage door swinging open and knocking out her headphones causing her music to infiltrate the silence, looking up to see who'd disrupted her a blonde haired boy swaggered in, with a big red badge resting upon his chest, Hermione groaned.
'What do you want?' she demanded.
'I, happen to be headboy, and you are?' Draco Malfoy stated as pompous as ever, reminding Hermione of Percy Weasley. Confused she remembered he had never seen her without that hideous brown birdnest upon her head and those disgusting buckteeth so she decided to play along.
'I go by Mya' she replied simply, lighting up yet another smoke and offering him one, 'I'm head girl'  Staring at her bewildered he accepted the smoke wondering if maybe she was new, so he questioned her on it
'New?' She was about to reply and set him straight but decided, new her, new year 'yeah, i guess you could say that. Now if you'll excuse me i have a letter to send' And on a split second decision she quickly scrawling down a note to Dumbledore requesting to be re-sorted and to go by Mya, just Mya, nothing else. She sent the owl on it's way and sat back waiting for a reply.

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