A few minutes later, I'm in front of the door with the number 68. I sigh nervously and turn the knob. I look around, absolutely perplexed. It is a room with two beds at opposite ends; The one on the left has a pink suitcase over it and a pair of bags of different sizes around. Well, at least I know I'll share the place with a girl. In addition, there are two small closets that are more than enough to perfectly store all belongings of each, two desks, a door on the right side of the room (I guess it will be the bathroom) and also, a huge window. Even from the door I can glimpse the other building that is opposite and part of the garden with that beautiful fountain that I saw as soon as I entered the Campus. To amaze me even more, there is a flat screen TV that it's fixed to the wall and for its neatness, it should be brand new.

I go to the bed that is free and I put my suitcase on it. I want to unpack and accommodate my stuff as soon as possible. I lean over and open it, taking a pile of clothes, but a slightly loud voice startles me and I almost drop everything on the floor. Please tell me it is not true!

- Hello! You must be my room partner! - I turn around and confirm my suspicions. A girl stands in the doorway and is a Barbie, except for her red hair. She has a slim body, green eyes and a perfect smile. I envy her completely, but not her outfit. She wears a white lace-type T-shirt, with two horrible birds on the front, black knee-embroidered skinny pants, high-heeled boots and a thin black choker. She pulls her curls away with a quick gesture and walks over to me. Then she does something that completely surprises me: she hugs me as if we have been friends for years. - I'm so glad to know that I'm going to have someone to chat with and do "girly things"! Isn't it great?

- Yes, of course ... - NO. It's not, not even for a second! This girl has an overwhelming energy and the truth is that her voice is a bit annoying; Not to mention the fact that she looks like a fucking model. This is an assault to my patience (which is almost nil, by the way) and my low self-esteem. I pull away from her with a gesture of discomfort that I don't try to conceal at all and apparently, she doesn't notice, or decides to ignore it.

- I'm so anxious! I'm Dakota, by the way. - she smiles showing her perfect teeth.

- Eva. Nice to meet you. - I smile sideways just an instant and then I point to the closets. - Have you taken one of those, as with the beds?

- Of course not! Feel free to choose the one you like. - She says and smiles again. Ugh, I'm sure I'll be blind because of this girl and her white teeth.

- Okay. - I approach the one closest to the door and begin to accommodate my clothes. Dakota stays in the same place for a few more minutes and then closes the door, before heading quickly to the window. She sits down on the bench in front of it and looks down. Apparently, she is looking for or waiting to see someone. I follow with my things without speaking to her.

Five minutes later, she lets out a sigh and shakes her head before goes to the free closet. Her wardrobe has all the colors you can imagine and it even seems that there are some that I had never seen in my life. Then she opens the bags and what's inside surprises me and at the same time makes me roll my eyes: shoes and more shoes. I count at least fifteen pairs, of all tastes, colors and styles. I must admit, several of them are so beautiful that they take my breath away.

- Don't you think there are too many? - I say scathingly without even looking at her.

-No, I dont think so. - she responds and by the tone of her voice, I know that she is annoyed by my attitude. No wonder, I'm behaving like a bitch.

I sigh and try to understand why I do it. Dakota is really beautiful and even though her voice irritates me a little, she hasn't done anything that deserves to be treated like that. Maybe I should relax, starting a friendship would not hurt me. And, in truth, she would be my first real friend, beyond my brothers or those who belonged to the group of friends of my ex- boyfriend; Although I cannot even consider them MY friends. Only one, but it's very far.

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