5 - It's You That I Adore

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me?" A man spoke up, tapping Niall on the shoulder.

Niall tore his gaze away to look at the man. He was tall, even taller than Harry with dark hair and even darker blue eyes. His features were chiseled, slight stubble lining his sculpted jaw. He seemed to be in his thirties and wearing a casual polo with slack type pants but what made Niall's stomach churn was the fact that the man was gorgeous.

Only the man's eyes weren't on Niall. They were on Harry.

"Is this your hybrid?" The man questions, a small smile solely for Harry on his lips.

"Er-" Niall blinked, flustered.

"Yes. I belong to him." Harry cut in, curtly.

"Alright, then, how much?" The man's gaze had shifted to Niall.

"How much what?" The blonde asked in confusion.

"How much would you like for him?" The man pulled out a check book.

Niall’s stomache dropped. He was horrified. Here he was trying to eat a meal and spend time with Harry and here was this person talking about like Harry as if he’s for sale.

"He's not for sale! Let's go Harry." Niall replied, face going crimson at the thought of selling Harry like some prostitute.

Niall quickly motioned for Harry to get his jacket on swiftly so they could leave.

"Wait! I'll pay you however much it is you want! Double!"

The blue-eyed lad pulled Harry along, speed walking to the nearest exit of the mall, heart thumping in his chest, and sweat building on his forehead.

"Niall, are you okay?" The curly-haired boy asked when their sneakers graced the sidewalk pavement.

It was quite cold but it felt nice against Niall’s heated face.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" Niall questioned, taking hold of both Harry's hands.

Harry is more important. Had he gotten offended?

"Yes. I knew you wouldn't sell me." Harry says with a half-smile and roll of his eyes.

"You're a person. Not some...possession to be sold. I'm sorry that happend." Niall apologizes pulling Harry to his chest to clutch him tight.

With Harry's height advantage, he nuzzled into the top of Niall's silky soft blonde hair.

"Did you see how he was looking at you? All hungry and creepy? Like a predator! God I could just-"

"It's okay." Harry assured.

"Let's go hang at Louis' yeh? Haven't seen him a while."

Harry's kitten ears narrowed. Going to Louis' meant seeing his hybrid Zayn as well. The last few encounters with Zayn and Harry had been quite tense. Zayn belonged to Louis but warmed up to Niall. It's impossible not to but that doesn't sit well with Harry.

"It's cold. Let me help you get your beanie on." Niall suggested.

Harry let Niall adjust the cap on minding his ears. Hand-in-hand they walked towards Louis' flat that luckily hadn't been too far.

Niall was used to walking everywhere. He could barely afford to pay his bills so how could he possibly afford a car? It was a bit embarassing to be twenty years old and not own a car but what could he do?

A beautiful sleek black car zoomed past them but terribly close to the sidewalk recklessly and Harry watched Niall's face. The blonde was in awe.

"I could buy you one."

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