SuperNatural Academy

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In a world where fairies aren't just your imagination, where you see a person turn into all kinds of diffrent animals, where wolves are two times bigger than before , where it's normal to see someone getting there blood suck out of them ... you must be thinking this person is crazy but i'm not,This is the world of Supernaturals , where all the beasts you imagine live amonst eachother . This is my world, my normal.

Let me tell you little about myself, i am a hybrid a mixed of everything , i am the thing that everyone wants but can't have.My name is Anatasia kingston , I am also the princess of supernaturals and yes it means that my parents are the king and queen and since I'm an only child my parents are very protective of me.

So once every supernatural are eighteen years of age we get send to the a prestige school where we learn more about our history and what we will be contributing to our society after we finish this school and today  i happens to be the year where i'll be attending SNA (SuperNaturalsAcademy) I know so original.

Back to reality now, where my mother is helping me pack bascially my whole closet and let me tell its going to take more rhant two suitcases .. yup she overdramatic like that

-Mom!!!! stop throwing all my clothes in that darn suitcase im not there for life.

-But honey... don't you want to make a good impression to the kids attending that school after all you are their princess.

- Mother, no matter the impression i give them, some will hate me, others might not . Anyways no matter how they feel about me im always going to be theirs queen.

After I said that I heard sniffing at my door and guess what its my dad the king of all supernaturals crying.

-OMG, seriously dad!!! you're really crying... sometimes I really feel like im thr adult here.

-Honey I couldn't resist you sounded like a queen who is ready to rule....

- oh!! dad its because you taught me well and please stop crying its just to ladylike

that should of been mother....speaking of mother please tell het to let me pack my stuff.

when I finished my sentence my dad flashed over to my mother and whispered something in her ear that made her red as the kate moss lipstick and then she started giggling like a school girl and she ran out my door with my father chasing right after her...seriously my parents are like the weirdest couple in history but badass rulers when its time for business.

Maybe thats where I got my kick-ass attidude from ....hmmmm...maybe!!!

So after that little commotion that was produce by my parents I went on packing this this only two suitcases because when my parents comes and visit like just tell them to bring more clothing it won't be so bad anyways im feeling a little tired so im going to be.....d! and I drop right on my king size bed. Ahhhh!!! so comfy!


- honey! darling! HONEY!!!!

-AHHH!! ok im up MOTHER no need for the screaming.

-ok then, just making sure you heard me she said while smirking.

-Get dress we are leaving in an hour and i'm making breakfast.

-Ummm ok... I said while yawning......wait... who's making breakfast.

-oh !!ME! silly!!!! my mother answered innocently.

- Oh!No!! mother you are not me .. I actually want to leave my house without a tummy ache.

- But.. honey your father said that its was fine and might I add that my meals were magnificent she said with a dreamily smile.

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