act 1

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first day of 9th standard what was that.It had been a blast.straight to the last bench which was sort of my lair for the past few years and occcupied my seat along with my partner's in crime Harry the computer whizz and Nikanth the coolest guy in school.It was a daily sight for us seeing girls hitting on him but he had his eyes on school sweetheart.We were the cool kids or so as we thought.It was funny to see girls giggling at his lame jokes because he was "pretty funny"(he was good looking so girls did laugh at his lame jokes unlike chaps like us who cannot afford this luxury )
It all started when the new girl came to our class Sneha rawat an exchange student from bombay.She had big black-brown eyes,jet black hair,a dimple on the right cheek,and complexion of Jessica Alba.Damn! she was hot ,she was the whole package.She had become the fantasy of the entire 9th standard.seniors also came to oogle at her(you know what)
None of us could really talk to her as she knows not a word of Kannada and comparing to her English ours were shit and we didn't want to embarrass ourselves infront of her .She kind of looked the attention that she got from class and long story  short she waa kind of bitchy,so i wasn't interested in her(she was way too out of my league)

I saw her crying on the way back home.maybe the bitch had a heart,I couldn't stop but ask her what the matter was .She was still sulking .I asked her again she didn't say anything.I realized it was none of my business so i walked away just then i heard a soft voice calling my name "ishaan".I sat next to her neither did she speak nor i knew what to do,so I did what i do best nothing!.I could litrally hear my heartbeat .She mumbled something about snide comments which she didn't meant for me to hear .She had a tender heart and this wasn't her fault, but the people's mindset is what the problem was.I didn't know what I could say to her.Yet I couldn't stop noticing her long legs they were distracting me.I don't know exactly what I had said that day but this is just the gist of what it was "The only way you can survive here is by accepting who you really or change the way others see you and I personally believe that it's not your fault but of our society.
Next week I saw a changed sneha,she wasn't the fantasy of the school.I kind of missed those long legs this wasn't me talking but the testosterone talking.I kind of liked her new look call me traditional or old-fashioned.She was no longer a fantasy of the class it shifted to some other girl.
In the end of the year Harry and nikanth had prepared on Aerodynamics and fuel economy we needed someoneto present a 10 minute speech with flawless English .And that someone turned out
to be Sneha.She went along with us and presented on behalf of us .It was great that she fitted with our group perfectly.She wasn't my crush it was nothing like that she was different and she blended with us perfectly.

2011 April 2
World cup 2011 it was India Vs Srilanka .We were watching the match from IMAX theatre Bangalore.Sachin had just nicked the ball and was caught by Kumara Sangakkara. just then I felt her hand on my wrist it was like a jolt of electricity and this continued till MSD had hit the helicopter shot and brought the cup home after a wait of 28 years.I didn't know whether it meant something or it was just something she would do when she is tensed.I didn't know what to think.I didn't want to give her any unintended signals.She was giving me all the wrong vibes .I never felt those feelings for her nor do I want to go to the next level this level was perfect and taking to next level and make things more complicated or ruining a good friendship.
She asked me whether something is bothering me.she clarified that it was something she would do when she was nervous and purely unintentional what happened at the theatre.I was glad because that cleared my doubts but a small part of me was sad because I thought that she might find me attractive(don't judge me).Still it was fine.few weeks went by and the small part of my mind asked me why didn't she like me?and this feeling made me think more about her .My brain which would be normally idle was imagining more and more scenarios.I wanted her to be my girlfriend.But she wasn't interested in me so there was no point in trying.The thing called mind(heart) is a very funny organ when we have something we don't feel the importance of it but when we don't we crave for it.What would have been the case if she had said differently would I have the same feelings for her ,no ,right.This is me being all moody that's all so I didn't believe my crush was anything serious.

July 2011
This was a turning point in my life as of that of my peers.Nikanthhad gone to resonance for IIT coaching,Harry was at Allen institute.Now it was only me their departure had caused a void inside me .The last bench life was a lot less cooler when they left.Distance can ruin love but never a good friendship.My interaction with Sneha was reduced to casual hi's and smiles on the way of class.I didn't want me to get any wrong ideas which may ruin our friendship,now I too had joined FIITJEE weekly classes which kept me busy during Saturday's and Sunday's.The IIT topics covered from Algebra to trigonometry to Integration,Mechanics to Thermodynamic and finally atoms to Ionic equilibrium.I hated chemistry the most.Why do we study those things which doesn't apply to our life?mugging them and vomiting them on exams were the only use for it.Now it has been a growing trend to find children(rather we call them students)learning differential equations at a young age.15lakh people write an exam of which 1.5lakh qualify the first stage and 10000 cracks as everyone would say.Friends turns into competitors.One who studies more gets a better seat.In short my whole world took a sharp curve.everything was just getting way out of my hands..damn I loathed it like Trump towards the Muslims(no offence )

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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