NGL And The Paper Bird...

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I sat down in the Great Hall and waited for hours on end. At one point Neville come in but when I said, "Hello, Neville',"He blushed and ran away. After breakfast, while we were all waiting for the bell, a paper bird landed in my hand. I unfolded it and read the note. It said:

Dear Luna,

I sent them, I'll send something else, aswell, if you like.

Love from


I looked around for any sign of who had sent this bird, but there were no hints whatsoever. I sighed. After a day of spell casting, I retired to the girls dormitory. Guess what I found there? Chocolates. From NGL.

That was when I started my investigation. I called it: Project NGL Hunt.

But I didn't need to hunt. He came to me. He told me in Herbology that it was him. He was NGL.


Sorry this chapter was really short :/ at least it's and update :) haha, more soon :) still don't own anything, btw, I'll tell you if I do though ;)

Luna Lovegood and her spellbound heart [being edited and finished]Where stories live. Discover now