"And, uh, who are you exactly?" I ask him.

He stares at me for awhile, his eyes roam down over my body before returning back to my face. I raise my eyebrow as a narcissistic yet sexy smile spreads across his face.

"The name's Harper, Roy Harper," he imitates James Bond.

I leave my face impassive before a small smile makes it way to my face in acknowledgment of his words. As I turn away from him, I see him wink at me out of the corner of my eye causing my smile to spread slightly wider. My eyes meet Oliver's before finding the eyes of the blond woman standing next to him.

"I'm Felicity," she says, almost hostile, but not quite. "Oliver's girlfriend," she says sharply.

"It's wonderful to meet you, to meet all of you," I say, sending them all a pleasant smile. "Especially considering how I just showed up out of the blue."

"Why did you show up, out of the blue?" Felicity asks me, the unsure enmity still lingering.

I sigh as the memory slowly creeps into my mind, his face, my mom's face, her blood all over his hands, her screams, his laughter. A chill run up my spine as a familiar void begins to form in the pit of my stomach, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to control it.

When I reopen my eyes, I find everyone staring at me, some of them worried but most of them curious.

"Damien Darhk," I say, his name tasting bitter in my mouth. "Murdered my mother, in front of me," I swallow down the tears that are welling in the back of my throat. "And I know I am not the only one that has had their family destroyed by this man, and he deserves to pay for what he's done to all those people, he needs to be brought to justice for his actions." I finish, managing to get through with a steady voice and no tears.

Whatever slight animosity any of them had for me, disappears momentarily as they all process what I just told them. Their faces show signs of understanding, sorry, but most of all, agreement with what I said about Darhk.

"If you'll let me, I would like to help you with your battle with Damien Darhk, or rather, you help me with my hunt for Damien Darhk," I say, a slight bunch of nerves forming in my stomach.

"What can you bring to the team?" John asks, speaking for the first time in awhile.

Before I can respond, I hear a slight tremor in the air, a tremor that I recognized. I turn on my heel and snatch the arrow flying towards me, out of the air. Within a second, my instinct to grab my knife shows itself and I fling it towards the origin of the arrow. Dark laughter echoes around the room as a man dressed in League attire and a sadistic smile emerges from the shadows holding my knife in hand.

"Merlyn," I growl before charging him.

He runs straight for me and we begin to fight, throwing punches and kicks back and forth. Both of us maneuver around each other quickly and fluidly, both trained the same way. Finally, after what seems to be an everlasting battle, I manage to nail him right in the knee causing him to fall to the ground and gifting me the opportunity to take the knife from his hand and press it against his throat.

"Nice to see you again, Becca," he hisses prompting me to push the knife into his throat a little farther.

"Don't even talk to me, don't say my name," I hiss at him. "You killed Sara and for that, I will kill you," Pressing the knife hard enough to cause a trickle of blood, I feel the familiar void in my stomach form as all emotion is slowly sucked from my body, leaving only a cold-blooded killer with a lust for blood.

Malcolm begins to struggle for air as I glare harshly down at him, the hand holding the knife against his throat, steady, no hint of hesitation until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I pause looking up to see Oliver, he shakes his head at me and despite my issues with Oliver, I trust and respect him more than anyone I could think of. However, the void in my stomach, the lust I feel battles the trust in Oliver. His hand tightens on my shoulder and I use the last few ounces of emotion in me, to pull my knife away from Malcolm, allowing him to gasp for breath. Slowly standing up, I look around at the others, fearful for their reactions.

All of them are staring at me with a range of emotions across their face, shock, horror, astonishment, awe. After a few disturbed seconds, a slow clapping fills the air and I turn my head to see both Laurel and Thea. I smile at them gratefully as the others begin to join in. When the clapping subsides, Thea is the first to speak.

"I gotta say, I'm impressed," she smiles at me before looking down pitifully at her father. "Sorry Dad."

"That was impressive," Laurel adds, a genuine smile on her face.

"Not bad, not bad at all," Roy smirks at me with a hint of awe readable on his face.

"I think you're in," Oliver says, looking around at the others for confirmation.

All of them nodding at him, except for John who directly avoids eye contact with Oliver and simply nods at me instead. I exchange a smile with him before looking to Oliver.

"Alright, well I think we can call it a night. I'll deal with Merlyn, the rest of you can go home," he says, an air of authority resting on his shoulders making the others slightly unnerved, from the looks on their faces, however, everyone is too tired to say anything about it.

"Becca, you can stay with me if you want," Laurel offers with a kind smile that I return with a grateful one.

"Thank you, I would love that," I say.

"Yeah, go home and change," Roy mutters just loud enough for me to hear him.

"Why do I need to change? Do you not like my dress?" I ask him sarcastically as I walk up to him.

Running a hand down his arm, I send him a taunting smile. He doesn't move away but he glares at me coldly.

"I don't think anyone's told you, but red, is my color," with that said he turns on his heel and walks off.

"What's his deal?" I ask Laurel as we head into the elevator that will take us back up into Palmer Technologies.

"Who knows?" Laurel says with a shrug.


So???? Somewhat similar to how it was in the previous version! Becca didn't mention Oliver abandoning her to the others, we shall see what happens there! I hope you guys liked the chapter and enjoyed the Roy/Becca banter!

Thanks so much for reading! I always appreciate votes and please comment! I love to hear what you guys think! Love you guys! :)

P.S. I hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Don't Leave Me {Roy Harper}Where stories live. Discover now