Orichimaru growled," Not another step Kushina." He snapped grabbing a kunai and holding it to my throat.

Mommy stopped and glared deeply at him," I would like to take (Y/n) with me."

"Never!" Mommy yelled.

"Tch I'll give her back after 17 years." Daddy glared harder at Orochimaru.

"Never you stupid snake!" Daddy yelled.

Orochimaru yelled," If I can have her... nobody can!" He pushed me off the building... we were at least 70 feet off the ground.

As I fell backwards I stared up at the sky," I guess I won't be a big sister after all, huh? My sibling will just have to be an only child." I laughed silently... what?! No grammar mistakes?!

To think about it... when he pushed me I felt something go through my body... did he give me proper grammar? That sounds stupid!

"(YYYY/NNNN)!!!!!" Mommy yelled ask saw Daddy run down the building but not fast enough to catch me.

Then I was caught by a man with orange goggles, spiky black hair, and a blueish jump suit.

"Hey you ok?!" He asked worriedly.

Daddy ran down to the boy," Obito thank you so much!" He said.

"Minato Sensei? Who is this?" The boy who I presume is Obito asked.

"This is my daughter, Orochimaru pushed her off our house... thank you for catching her." Daddy breathed out.

The boy stood in shock and I smiled at him," How old is she? What's her name?"

"She is only 2 years and her name is (Y/n)." Daddy smiled.

Mommy ran out to where we were," He jumped away... thank goodness your safe!" Mommy cried.

"Thank you Obito." Mommy said taking me from him.

She hugged me tightly against her chest," Just a quick question... why did you happen to be here just when she fell?" Daddy asked.

"Oh right! Minato Sensei, the Hokage asked me to tell you, they want you to become the fourth Hokage!" Obito cheered.

"Daddy, what a Hokage?" I asked. Mommy and Daddy stared in shock.

"What happened to you grammar errors?" Mommy asked.

"I'm not sure... but I think it happened when Orochimaru pushed me off... I felt something pulse inside me..." I said grabbed my heart where he pushed me.

"That damn snake." Daddy growled.

"Let's get you to bed (Y/n)." Mommy said running inside carrying my bridal style.

"Mommy... is there something wrong with me?" I asked and looked at her with teary eyes.

"When your older I'll tell you (Y/n)." Mommy said.

Mommy sat me on the bed. She changed me into my PJ's.

Daddy came in and said goodnight while Mommy kissed me on the forehead.

When the door closed I soon fell asleep.

When I closed the door the image of (Y/n) falling off replayed in my mind.

"Minato..." I said quietly and began to cry.

"Kushina? Is something wrong?" Minato asked.

"On-on her chest... where Orochimaru hit." I looked up at him while tears streamed down my face.

"What was on her chest?!" Minato said kind of quietly.

"There was a purple circle that looked like a bruise but different... you don't think he did something to her do you *hiccup*?" I asked now almost full out bawling.

"I'll have to take to Tsunade about that... after all she was on the same team as Orochimaru and specializes in medicine... you have nothing to worry about." He said wiping my tears.

Then hugged me and we went to sleep.


Naruto's older sister, (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now