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        "Sorry, Ipott.  But you do know if you stayed out of trouble we 'MACUSA scum' wouldn't be catching up to you every other week," A second voice... the voice!  Credence felt his heart rate skyrocket.  "How many trips to the Headquarters is it gonna take for you to stop thieving?  And keep your voice down, why don't you?"

       Then he spotted her; Brown hair cropped short, eyes still with that lively glimmer though they were narrowed at a particularly scrubby man she was holding by the upper arm.  Credence wasn't sure whether or not he could move, but this problem was solved when a man shoved past him in an angry manner.

     "Out of the way, boy!" growled the man as he stalked away, leaving Credence on the sidewalk, having fallen in the push.  His damaged hands stung, but it was nothing compared to the pain he'd experienced before.  All Credence cared about know was seeing if it really was it was the magical woman from the subway.

      Upon looking up, Credence saw her staring at him from across the throng of people.  The disturbance his fall had caused had attracted her attention.  

     On his feet in an instant, Credence scurried away, taking cover in an alley way.  He could barely breathe... How could he have thought he might go up to her?  After all that destruction he'd caused... Maybe she'd take him into the magical headquarters too, whatever that was, and he'd get in trouble... The thought of the belt lashed into his mind, and Credence flinched.

      "Credence?" Her voice.  He startled, and looked 'round to see the woman leaning around the corner, gazing at him worriedly.  "I— Is that..." Her eyes widened, and Credence stumbled backward, breathing quickly.  "Don't be frightened, Credence!  It's okay, it's okay..." She stepped around the corner and moved towards him.  Credence looked away, unable to make a sound.

     "I didn't know... You were... were alive!  Please, Credence, step out of the shadows..." She was whispering calmly, but Credence could see the astonishment dripping from her features.  Credence hadn't seen her or any magical person for a month.  His eyes fell upon her outstretched hand, and Credence had the feeling she'd done that before to him... but where?  When?    

Accepting it as True   -    Credence BareboneWhere stories live. Discover now