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Sarah walked across the boardwalk feeling the light rain hitting her face

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Sarah walked across the boardwalk feeling the light rain hitting her face. She could taste the salt in the air. Only faintly though. Jacob walked closely behind her breathing heavily.

"I'm so sorry, Clare." He whispered. "I wanted to stop her but-"

"I can't give a single shit anymore what she does." Clare hissed. "She wanted die in the waves like my mom did."

Clare's mom committed suicide when Clare was only seven years old. She left her with a unstable older sister and a deadbeat dad. Her life sucked. Working more hours than her dad while her sister was partying her life away. But when Clare becomes a senior her whole world falls a part. That's when Jacob came in. Crashing in like waves.

Thomas saw her that day smiling her ass off

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Thomas saw her that day smiling her ass off. She was wondering the halls spinning and jumping around. He'd never seen her face before weirdly, but it was refreshing. Something new was always refreshing.

 Something new was always refreshing

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Sarah is an extremely unlucky girl. Every crush she tried to have never worked. Both of her parents died and now lives in an orphanage. Her clothes have holes in them and her shoes are too small. They only thing going for her right now is her brain. Number one in class but it doesn't help her with the constantly bullying she receives. These are her tales before she couldn't take it anymore. And....killed herself. Found by Michael the star footballer.

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