"On pain of losing her tongue. Who devised this penalty?" Sebastian asked us with a grin.

"Marry, that did I," Matilda cried back.

"Sweet Lord, and why?" he gasped to her, turning over his car engine.

"To fright them hence with that dread penalty," she beamed to her big brother.

"A dangerous law against gentility!" Ronan cried, and we all laughed. Sebastian put his arm on Matilda's chair and looked over his shoulder to reverse out of his parking. His eyes locked with mine for a moment and he winked at me, before backing the car out of the parking spot. I blanked and turned to stare out of the window.

"Are we nervous for tomorrow?" Sebastian asked all of us as he straightened and drove through the parking lot to the main exit.

"I'm not, since I don't care who I get," Ronan laughed. He turned to me with a mischievous grin. "But I'm betting Theo gets Romeo, and if he doesn't, 'how well this yielding rescues thee from shame!'" I gave my best friend a 'look' but said nothing.

If I was being completely honest, I was nervous about it; I wanted this so badly. I was trying to reassure myself that if I didn't get it, it wasn't a big deal, but there was a pain in my chest when I lied to myself.

"You'll be great. I believe in you," Sebastian said to me, grinning at me in the rear-view mirror of his car. I gulped and looked back out of the window at the world as it passed us by.

Sebastian took us into town – he wanted to shout us cake to wish us luck for our auditions tomorrow. We pulled up outside the Honey Oak Cafe and we all climbed out.

"I wonder if a certain someone is working today," Ronan teased me as we walked towards the front doors.

"Probably," I replied with a shrug, entering the cafe. I was right, Gale was standing by the door wiping down a table. He glanced up as we entered and smiled.

"Hey," he said to me. Yeah, dreamy as ever.

"Fancy seeing you here," I smiled back, walking up to him. Gale glanced over his shoulder quickly to check and make sure his boss wasn't looking, then gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"I was hoping to see you before your audition so I could wish you luck," he said to me, then looked past me to my friends. I stepped aside to formerly introduce everybody, clearing my throat.

"Gale, this is Ronan, Matilda and her brother Sebastian." I pointed to each as I said their name. "Guys, this is Gale. My, ah, boyfriend, I guess." Gale shook there hands and they swapped pleasantries. Then Gale brushed my arm, gave me a smile, and went back behind the counter.

We found a table and sat down, picking up menus. Sebastian was sitting opposite me, Ronan on my left and Matilda on my right.

"I didn't think it was official between you two," Matilda asked me curiously. I shrugged.

"Well, it's not, but what else am I supposed to call him?" I snorted.

"True," Matty mused.

"Chocolate or carrot?" Ronan pondered.

"I want the apple teacake," I announced.

"No, definitely chocolate," Matty grinned.

"Get whatever you want, it's my shout," Sebastian smiled. I glanced up from the menu and our eyes met again; he was smilng. I quickly looked back down.

"Do you doubt that?"Matilda asked, testing me with an eyebrow raised.

"For Hamlet and the trifling of his favour, hold it a fashion and a toy in blood; a violet in the youth of primy nature. Forward, not permanent. Sweet, not lasting. The perfume and suppliance of a minute – no more," I replied automatically. Sebastian looked stunned.

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