chapter 2

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~next day Tori woke up and look around of course her room is pink. She pick out her outfit it was hard when she has over 100 of them but she wanted to look perfect for Joey so she finally pick one and get dressed and she goes down the stairs to my amazing kitchen where of course she has someone that cooks, after  she eats she decided to walk to the park when she get there she saw Joey and no way JACOB omg eww~

Joey: hi Tori is it ok that Jacob came?

Tori: Eww not his not popular or anything

Joey: why won't you give him a chance

Tori: because his so Eww ~Jacob looks at you then Joey~

Joey: what if he changed

Tori: changed how?

Joey: everything 

Tori: maybe I don't know

Jacob: I'll do it

Tori: whatever I don't care ~Joey looks like he was getting upset but

Jacob looked happy~

Joey: come on Jacob

Jacob: ok I'll see you later Tori

Tori:whatever ~you walk back home thinking about Joey and how hot he is and you see Ariel~

Ariel: hi barbie doll

Tori: hi ~she smiles and hugs you~

Ariel: have you seen Joey

Tori: I was just with him why?

Ariel: because he's with Jacob

Tori: I know his so Eww

Ariel: I think he's pretty cool

Tori: but he's not on the list

Ariel: that list isn't everything girl

Tori: it's my life I stay on top so do Joey that's why we belong together

Ariel: listen I like Jacob his nice and kinda cute

Tori: you like Jacob eww

Ariel: I don't understand you sometimes but see you tomorrow at school

Tori: yeah I should get home ~when she gets to her house she sees Joey going in his house~

Tori: Joey ~he looks back then went  in his house so she goes in her room to watch movies to night time and went to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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