Rainy Insomnia

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It's two in the morning

I am yet to snooze

The sky blinks, restless

The clouds roar, everything whines.

I quiver, but I'm exhilarated

And I really don't know why

Music, puzzling jazz

Grey-scale. Moonlight. Emotionless sighs

What dreams will I see this night?

Will i dream of a foreign land?

Will I dream of finding love?

But i dream when i am awoken

In this alarming, inky world

My senses shut off, allowing my mind to wander

Like sitting at the edge of a cliff with the wind clawing at my face

Hoards of darting clouds, distant roaring sea tempting my ear to listen

I look forward to the morning tomorrow

knowing I hadn't slept a wink

knowing it's the uncertain present I fear.

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