Chapter 15 - The Chamber of Secrets

Start from the beginning

"One of our first years," McGonagall said in a grave tone, "Ginny Weasley,"

"Who?" Madam Pomfey asked.

"Weasley. Ginny Weasley," McGonagall said, louder this time. Tears welled in my eyes, amid a roaring feeling of frustration in my chest. I found myself having a strong desire to go into the chamber myself and get her back. Beside me, Ron had paled and Harry looked shocked. All of a sudden, Lockhart appeared.

"Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?" he asked.

"Yes, Gilderoy, you did," McGonagall said grimly.

"What did I miss?"

"A student has been taken into the chamber. I'm afraid that this may be the end of Hogwarts," McGonagall said.

"Oh, that's sad," Lockhart said, not sounding miserable at all.

"Well, Lockhart. I was thinking - as you are so great - you would go her," Snape suggested.

"Oh, yes, sure!" Lockhart said cheerily, "I'll just go and get, you know, ready," He turned and left, speeding towards his office. All of the teachers locked eyes with each other and then walked towards their own offices. Checking that no one was coming, Harry, Ron and I followed Lockhart to his office. We barged through the door and into his living quarters. He was there hurriedly packing suitcases. He shut them as he noticed us enter the room.

"Harry, Ron, Miranda! What are you doing here?" he asked us. "You should be with the rest of your house."

"What are you doing?" Ron asked him.

"Err, um, I'm, I'm - " He didn't finish. Harry cut in.

"You're leaving! Why? Aren't you going to get Ginny? I mean, I thought that you would - right now - be finding the entrance! It should be quite easy for you. You've done all of these amazing things!"

"I never did any of those things," he admitted. I almost laughed at discovering the truth. It made sense with why he was such a lousy teacher.

"How did you get the information then? Were they just made up stories?" I asked him curiously.

"I got the stories from people who have done those things of course!" he replied.

"But how - " Ron started.

"I am not very talented, but I happen to be very talented at casting memory charms. I simply put a memory charm on them and they forget they ever did something incredible. Who wants to see an ugly wizard on the cover of a book when they could see me? I am afraid to say that I have to do the same to you three, so you don't blab. Who wants to lose their memories first?" Lockhart said, pointing his wand at us. I pulled my own wand out, as did Harry and Ron. Lockhart hesitated and stepped back. Harry disarmed him in an instant, catching and pocketing our teacher's wand.

"Shouldn't have taught us that one, Professor. Let's go and save Ginny!" Harry shouted.

"Yeah!" Ron and I yelled, agreeing.

"Come on Lockhart!" Harry said. He grabbed Lockhart and dragged him out of the room. I followed, with Ron right behind me.

"Do you know where Harry's going?" I asked Ron in a whisper.

"I'm pretty sure he's going to the run-down bathroom haunted by Moaning Myrtle," he told me.

"Moaning who?" I asked.

"You'll see," he replied, "Come on!"

We ran to catch up to Harry and Lockhart. Lockhart was trying hard to escape but Harry had a firm grip. Our annoying professor was muttering to himself. After a few more minutes we reached a bathroom that was out of order and very run down. I realized that it must have been the bathroom Ginny had thrown the diary in.

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