Chapter 1 - Pilot

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Chapter 1 - Pilot
Peyton sat next to Barry's bed, just staring at him, hoping he'll just pop up from the coma and hug her.

"So, how did you meet him anyway?" Cisco asked, peeping over the computer screen to look at her.

"Well, his foster father, Joe lives next to my grandparents, where I lived at that time. I was playing baseball with my grandfather, and a rush of adrenalin caused me to hit the ball into Barry's room window.

So my granddad says 'hey, you made a literal home run!' It wasn't as funny when we realized it hit him on the head and he went to the hospital. I visited him cause, I saw it necessary.

Our friendship grew from there." Peyton explained with a smile.

"The perfect way to make a new friend." Cisco smirked and went back to work. Peyton turned her attention back to Barry, and soon drifted off to sleep.


Peyton's eyes fluttered open as Caitlin waved her hand in front of her.

"Hey, you're awake." She said as Peyton lifted herself from the slouching position she was in.

"Yeah, why, what's wrong?" Peyton asked neatening up a little.

"Nothing, it's just that this is the fifth time you've fallen asleep on the chair. Why don't you go home, maybe sleep on a real bed?" Caitlin said, giving her a little space.

"No Caitlin, I want to be here." Peyton said looking at Barry again.

"We'll call you if he wakes up. You need to sleep." Caitlin replied as Peyton got up.

"Alright Caitlin. I'm going." She said, hugging Caitlin and waving at Cisco.

"Bye." He said waving.

"Goodbye." She giggled. She rode the elevator down to the lobby and exited STAR Labs. She jumped into the black Porsche waiting outside and drove to her apartment.

Once outside, she turned to reach for her coat, which she had left at STAR Labs. A long, dragged out sigh escaped her lips.

"My keys are in there. Guess I'm going back." She thought.


Barry Allen woke up from his 9 month long coma with a sudden jolt, a jump up from a distant sleep.

"OH my God." Cisco said, jumpy from the sudden movement.

"Where am I?" The baffled man asked touching his head.

"He's up." Caitlin said trying to calm him down.

"Dr. Wells, get down to the cortex, like, right now." Cisco said as Caitlin immediately began to take tests.

"Pulse, 120, pupils equally reactive to light. Look at me. Look at me." Caitlin said as he began to move around.

"Hey, whoa, relax. Everything's okay man. You're at STAR Labs." Cisco said putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"STAR Labs? Who are you?" Barry said getting of the bed.

"I'm Cisco Ramon. She's Caitlin. Dr. Snow." He corrected himself.

"I need you to urinate in this." Caitlin said, holding up a clear cup with a blue lid.

"Not this second." Cisco pulled it out of her hand.

"Wh- what is happening? What is going on?" he said moving away from the scientists, still confused.

"You were struck by lightning, dude." Cisco said with a goofy smile on his face. Barry turned around and looked at a nearby monitor.

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