Chapter 3.The Chat

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The school has ended and they keep on teasing me and Harry.After the ring has rang. Ma'am Julie dismiss us. I immediately ran towards the door. Daniel started to make fun at me. I really hate this day. I grab ny phone and I texted my Dad.

To:My Best Dad ever

Hey dad,May I go to your house today. I dont like to stay to our house.


After I send the message I put my phone back to my bag.Daniel approach me and I glared at him.I want to make fun at him. So I will not talk to him.Im really bad.Bwhahahahaha..XD

"Hey Christine"he said while his waving at me.I didn't replied at him. I really hate him today.Gawdszzz!!

I continue to walked but Daniel stop me.I glared at him.He knows that if im angry I will not talked.I really love my attitude so much .

"Christine,Talk to me Please.I really really really sorry. Please talk to me!!"He beg.I stared to him .His face is really serious Gawdzxxx!!

"Daniel,You know me .I hate the people who are teasing at me. And you know my attitude." I said in my serious voice.

Daniel nodded and I smiled at him.We walked until we reach the ground. I stop at the corner and I grab my phone.  I put my password and there is 2unread messages.1message is from my Dad

From:My best Dad ever

.Sure Christine,I glad you will stay at my house today.Stay in your school and I will get you.Love you

I replied

To :My best dad ever

Sure Dad .Just text me if your there.Lobh you moreee!!

(A/N.  Sorry about my spelling in lobh instead of love.Jejemon mode.XD..BWHAHAHAHA)

We sat at the benches besides the office in highschool department. I unzip my bag and I get my iPad mini.

I browse my apps. Until I found my Facebook application.123 notification

5 friend requests . I click the Friend requests. I waited until it pop up.

Harry Styles request to be my friend .And Niall Horan,Liam Payne,Zayn Malik&Louis Tomlinson.

O my gawdz!!! One Direction!!!!!!!

Daniel POV.

I studied the Facial Expression of Christine.She seems so Happy.I wonder what she saw.

Christine & I became bestfriend since Grade 1 since this is our Senior Year.I want to tell something to her.Every time im with her.There's something happens to me.

I inlove with my Bestfriend.!!

But I think Harry like her. I can see im his eyes.

Christine POV

I check my phobe to read the other 4.


(A/N Random num)

Hey beautiful.See you again tommorow;)<3

To:My Best Dad ever

Im here already.

I replied.

sure im on my way.

I get my bag and I put my iPad mini & phone inside and I said bye to Daniel. I began to run. Until I reach the car parking lot. Until there's a beep. I started to walk towards the car. I open the door as I greeted my Father.

Fast Forward:§)

"How's your Mom?'' my dad ask as I eating my food.

"Ahmm..She's okay but its more okay if you two got together." I replied. I really want this two to get together. You know its very hard. Because my father and mother got divorce and because im the only child,Its very hard to me.

"I wish also.But you know that she has a boyfriend" my dad say. Speaking of that, My stepfather is very rude to me when my mother is not there. I hate him!!!! "Dad,I know mom loves you.So try a way to develop that feeling again. " I said.

"Fine. Enough for me. Now how's school?" my dad ask.

I choke about that question. "It..... went.... down... on... a... wrong ...... pipe" I said.

My father sit besides as he

began to patting my back.

"I met this guy.His keeps on staring at me.Daniel is making fun at me." I said

My dad began to laugh. I lightly punch his shoulder.

"Someone has a crush on my daugther" my dad said

We continue the conversation until my Phone ring.I get it and my ID caller is.


I answered it.

(I just gonna skip the conversation)

After my conversation with mom, I just sat at the edge of my bed( sorry about that. Christine has a room in his father house)

I open my laptop and typed my password and open the google chrome and type facebook.

I wait until the website pop.I currently posting something until Someone chatted me.

Its Harry!!



Harry- whatcha doing

Me- Chatting with u

Harry- the only one whose chatting u

Me-Yup! Anyways why are you chatting me?

Harry-Im bored and I want to do something so I chat you

me-Oh.. okay.. anyways. Why are you staring me a while ago?

Harry's POV

Christine-oh.. okay..anyways.Why are you staring at me a while ago.

She sees me when im staring at her.

If I can say that I like her maybe she would not be talking to me again. I cant .She is like an angel. Exactly an angel.

me-Because ur beautiful. Believe me or not I like your eyes and your eye lashes.

Shit.I wish she will believe at me.

Oh well.

Christine POV

Harry-Because ur beautiful. Believe me or not I like your eyes and your eye lashes.

He likes my Eyes and eye lashes.

My face heated up.  Redderthan a tomato.

Me-Thanks.I like also your eyes and hair.

Harry-Really.Nothing special in my eyes

me-Really.I want your eyes.I love it.Really!!:)

Harry-You can have it love.

me-Anyways its getting late.I gotta go. Before my dad sees me.

Harry-Really. Are you close to your father. I wish I am also.Anyways can we talk tommorow.

Me-Sure Harry.So see you tommorow I guess.Good nyt Harry

I pressed enter as I close the window .I shut down my laptop.  I lay at the bed and I fell asleep.

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