25 | The Heart's Answer

Start from the beginning

"Then we'll talk to Cyrus before we make any decisions," she wouldn't let her heart float away on wings of love and bliss just yet. "If he says it's ok, then we'll make plans...and we'll have to pray about it too of course."

"Of course. I already have been praying almost non-stop since yesterday, asking God what His will is," he kissed her lightly on the forehead.

Emily blushed as she became aware of the people on the nearby grassy slope. "Do you really want to marry me, Jace?" she pulled away enough to look him in the eyes. She still couldn't believe he'd just said that he loved her and wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. What was so special about her?

"Of course I do, Emily! I just said I did, didn't I?" his face lit up in his usual endearing way as he smiled at Emily. He carefully brushed a few wisps of hair from her eyes as the gentle afternoon breeze blew around them. "I do not want to live here all by myself, so if I need to squeeze the approval from Cyrus, I will!" he said emphatically.

Emily laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Ok," was all she said. Her heart and mind were too busy gallivanting away with wild and exciting visions of what a life here in this beautiful land with Jace could look like. "I so hope he says yes," she stared into the sparkling depths of his eyes and forgot about the rest of the world for an instant. When Jace leaned in closer and placed a feather light kiss on her lips, she knew she could never leave through the Gateway and live a life without him. An urgent prayer that God would not only allow them to be together, but that it would be His will, surged in her heart and flew heavenward.

Arm in arm, they splashed back to the shoreline in search of Cyrus. They would need to put their mushy emotional feelings aside for a short while as they sorted out the logistics of their plan. How would Emily be able to stay here? Could she just leave her life behind on Earth? Well, Jace was already doing that, so it wasn't too big an issue – they could sort that out. What about her family and friends? They would miss her terribly, as would Jace's family, but again, if he was here going through the same thing, why not she?

Cyrus greeted them on the marble steps that led to the mansion's front entrance, where he was overlooking the preparations to leave and final goodbyes.

"We just have a smaaaaall question," Jace began.

"Well, I wouldn't really say it's small," Emily added.

"You want to know if Emily can stay with you here in my land, don't you?" Cyrus couldn't help the broad grin and sparkle in his eyes even though he had meant to sound serious.

"How did you-?"

"Oh tsk," Cyrus waved his hand as if it was no big deal. "You don't see two lovebirds staring into each other's eyes like they are the only two people in existence without knowing what's happening. Your only problem is if I will allow you, my darling Emily, to live here, is that it?" his caring smile and gentle hand rested on Emily.

"Please, Cyrus? Jace and I have always been the best of friends, and there's no way I can go back to Earth without him. I mean, I could...be strong, if I needed to, I guess....but I..." Emily looked at Jace and refused to let the tears fall from her eyes. She didn't know what she'd do if Cyrus refused.

"I understand perfectly well, Daughter. And I give you my blessing for your union. I also welcome you to live in my land, and it is us who will be blessed with your company for the rest of your days," Cyrus smiled at them both as Jace wrapped his arms strongly around Emily as if he never wanted to let her go. Emily squealed with delight and knew she never would have to let Jace go again.

"Thank you so much, Cyrus," they both said in unison, their faces shining from the warm glow of the setting sun.

"Sir, everyone is ready for the journey back to Earth," Skyfali approached them and interrupted the happy moment. Jace wasn't upset; there would be a lifetime of happy moments for them to enjoy.

"Alright, let's wave them all off then, shall we?" Cyrus turned and started down the hill with Jace and Emily following.

Jace's father and sister came to say goodbye, and they both had also been watching and knew of the decision between them.

"I'm so glad you're going to be my sister for real, now!" Amy hugged Emily tightly. "We'll definitely have to come back for the wedding! I don't know how, but we will!!" she talked excitedly and punched her little bro in the arm. "Good job, Jace. I'm glad you fiiiinaly realised you loved Em!"

"Yeah, I had to die and come back to life to admit it, though," he winked at Emily.

"I hope you would've anyway," she smiled at him with a playful smirk.

"We'll see you soon, Son," Jay hugged his son and thumped his back. "Your mother would be so proud of you, for sacrificing your life for Cyrus and this land, and for proposing to Emily," he smiled at her where she stood beside Jace.

"Thanks. Give her a hug for me," Jace tried not to look like he was crying, but Emily put her hand in his and gave him a nod of understanding. He didn't know when he'd see his mother and father again, nor his sister. It was like he was losing his family. But Jace realised, with Emily's arm wrapped around him and his around her slender shoulders, that he was gaining something just as precious. He was going to be with his best friend forever; in this beautiful land, they would start a new life together.


Awww <3 <3 <3 
SO, I have a few questions for my readers :) Should Emily go back to Earth and settle everything with her job and family? (Oh yeah, I've totally forgotten to mention in the story: she is a graphic designer for  a Christian magazine and writes stuff in her spare time; and her parents are missionaries in another country, so she wouldn't see them anyway if she went back to Earth for  a few days) OR should she stay in Sen Cyrus and plan the wedding OR should they just get married the very next day or week...??? What are your other ideas?
I really have no idea what should happen haha!! :) x) So help me write the story if you read this before it's finished! :)
Thanks :) <3

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