chapter two

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Through out third period bio, my head was in the clouds. I couldnt stop thinking about him and the way his lips felt against mine. Wonderful. Amazing. Fantastic. Magnificent. Were there enough adjectives to describe the feeling? I seriously doubted that.

I was so lost that I hadnt realized that I was touching my lips and sighing out loud in class until everyone started snickering around me.

"Miss Nells? Aimee Nells?" That was Mr. Francis, his voice just barely permeating through the thick fog of sheer bliss I was in.

I jerked up suddenly, upsetting some of my books and sending them flying on the floor.

More snickers.

My face burned in embarrassment.

"Yes Mr. Francis?" I said quickly

"I asked you a question. You're yet to give me an answer", Mr. Francis looked annoyed as he adjusted his glasses and waited for me.

My eyes flickered over my notes and I realized I hadnt made any in the past ten minutes.

"Forget her Mr. Francis.... She obviously wasnt listening. She was too engrossed fantasizing over whichever nerd she's currently getting freaky with", that was Laura, queen bitch.

I wanted to die! The whole class burst into laughter and I just wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole.

Laura sent me a sly look. Her minions Terri and Amber giggled and both flashed me the Loser sign.

I was so angry! This was too much! Who gave Laura the right to make anyone feel miserable whenever she liked!

Mr. Francis just sighed and went back to Genetic Mutations. He obviously figured the total embarrassment was punishment enough.

Someone passed me a note.

"It's allright, Aimes. Laura's head wasnt screwed on straight... she's such a bitch.. Don't let it get to you :-)


I turned back to see Clarissa giving me a reassuring smile. It helped, but not much. I felt like crap now. I made sure I paid attention through out the remainder of the class.

Once it was over, I grabbed my books and rushed out of the class. I didn't want to bear another second of torture in Laura's hands.

I went to the girls' room and tried to compose myself once more. I wouldn't let it get to me. I just wouldn't. Clarissa came to find me some time later but I plastered a smile on my face and told her I was allright. She would have stayed with me if she didn't have some last minute cramming for a test she had the next period.

After a while, I left. No manner of bullying from Laura would get me down. She had gotten away with making my life miserable all through middle school and junior high, well I wouldnt put up with her crap anymore.

I walked through the halls, heading for my next class but then I saw something so horrifying that made my gut clench painfully and my heart start pounding.

Laura, she was standing next to Damien, cozying up to him and whispering something into his ears. Terri and Amber were standing by and giggling of course.

I felt the bile rising up in my throat. Of course, what was I thinking? Everyone in school knew that Damien and Laura would eventually get back together, sooner or later. Boy, was I stupid for thinking anything otherwise. Damien probably just saw me and thought he'd do some charity work, maybe make a girl feel special for a day. He was just nice that way.

No matter how devastated I was, I wasn't going to let it show. I stuck my chin up, pulled my shoulders back and walked past them without a glance.

I heard Laura say, "There goes lonely Nerdy-McLoserpants"

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