Chapter 14: Reuniting Old Friends

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"Elijah, my dear older brother. You have only ever wished me happiness. Emil and I are in love, please let me turn him!" She begged him to the complete amusement of Klaus.

"Rebekah, the governor has graciously agreed to hide a lot of our... indiscretions. It would not do to turn his son into one of us." Her brother answered shaking his head at her.

"Please. For me." She pouted, pleading with him.

"Oh do it. The more the merrier I say. But I want to do it" Fiore said smiling impishly at the boy. "Noble blood always tastes better from some reason."

"No way" Klaus said shaking his head vehemently. "If we turned every man my sister dropped her knickers for, then human beings would cease to exist"

"How dare you sir?!" Emil had shrieked in her defence. "You would do well to treat –" But he was never able to finish his sentence as her brother had grabbed him down the neck and pushed him down the hallway, ignoring the shouts of disagreement from his family. He pushed the boy off the balcony, killing him instantaneously. Rebekah was comforted by her eldest brother whilst her sister just walked up to her husband, smiling before pushing him off the balcony as well.

"He's a silly little thing isn't he?" She said looking down at him sprawled on the floor.

"It's not my fault he wasn't good enough for you" He said shrugging his shoulders.

"No one ever was Nik. You made sure of that" She snapped. "Now tell me, where the hell is Elijah?"

"Sorry, but duty calls" He said shaking his phone at her. "I'm off for another drink with Marcel. Now, I know you don't have many friends, Rebekah, but what some friends do when they get together is they drink. And when they drink, they tell secrets. Marcel has somehow found a way to control the entirety of witches in the Quarter, and I aim to uncover the 'how' so I might take it for myself. Finding Elijah didn't make my to-do list today. Although I do love that you spend so much time looking for him, yet not a second spent on my wife. Hmm." Klaus turned and started to leave but not before making one last remark. "Welcome home little sister."

Rebekah searched the house along with Hayley but to no avail. Wherever Klaus had put him was definitely not in their home. She left the house and decided to find Elijah another way.

"Sophie Deveraux. My brother told me about you." She told the girl scrubbing down the restaurant before forcibly taking her to the Layfette Cemetery. "The gist of it is, I need you to do a locator spell to find the dagger that my bad brother has put in my good one."

"I can't. Magic is punishable by death, thanks to Marcel" She said bitterly.

"What do you think I'm going to do to you if you don't help me?" Rebekah said annoyed at Marcel for thwarting all of her plans.

"I'm linked to Hayley, what happens to me, happens to her"

"Who?" Sophie gave her a look and Rebekah remembered. "Oh yes, the whorish mumzy. Well lucky for you Elijah seems to care about her, otherwise I'd have killed you and be done with it. I don't care about Nik or his child and I would be doing a service for my friend. How did Marcel get powerful anyway?"

"How isn't relevant, the point is Marcel can tell when someone does magic in the quarter."

"I'll tell you what isn't bloody relevant. A coven that can't do any magic" The blonde snapped. "Ancestral magic is so idiotic. Family's overrated. The instant I find Elijah I'm gone. Maybe I'll even look for my sister if I can find her. And to add to your idiocy, you were foolish enough to believe that Elijah could convince Klaus to go to against Marcel when Klaus loved him like a son. When Fiore loved him like a son. If only you could've seen when we first met him. We were burying Emil. We thought he was the governors only son, but he had another one, from a mother that he owned.

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