Betrayed (Twilight Fanfic) Chapter 14

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I am a terrible person, I know. I don't even have an excuse, sure college is tough and I'm stressed out and everything but I shouldn't have left this for too long and for that I apologize. I wanna make it clear that I am going to finish this fanfic no matter what, so don't give up on me xD! If you have any questions about the story or anything then just ask :)

Reviews would be great and it might give me more motivation to write faster!


It's been a little over a week since Edward asked me out and I still feel like I'm floating in the clouds. I honestly cannot remember feeling happier. Ever. If the world ends right now, then I'd die happily. He's the perfect boyfriend, honestly. Most guys don't even acknowledge the fact that you've been together for a week but Edward did and he was really sweet. I got a dozen tulips delivered to my room on the day and he took me out on the night.

"Yoohoo earth to Bella! Is somebody in there?" Alice shouted and made a point of knocking on my forehead. Quite forcefully, I might add.

"Alice! Was that necessary!?" I exclaimed while rubbing my now red forehead.

Alice rolled her hazel eyes. "You're off to Edward Land again so yes it was necessary as I need your full attention! Anyway as I was saying Rose and I are planning a day out for just us girls this weekend. No boys allowed. I mean I love spending time with Jazz and everything but I can't even remember the last time I went out with just my girl friends. So Rose and I thought that we should go to a spa, pamper ourselves and go shopping! A proper girly time!" her eyes gleaming with excitement as she bounce up and down on my bed.

Spa? Pampering? Shopping? Sounds like Alice's idea of heaven alright. As for me? Yep pretty much my idea of torture. I just love how my best friend knows me.

"And you cannot say no, I haven't spent quality time with my best friend in awhile," she said pouting and I knew there was no point in arguing. Damn little pixie.

"Are you kidding? I get to spend hours in a mall, try out millions of outfits, have green goo on my face and my legs waxed until they practically removed the first layer of my skin all in one day? What's not to like? I'm sure it'll be a blast!" my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Great! I'll go and tell Rose and Angela," she got up and literally skipped out the door. I can't help but roll my eyes. Alice will never change and the thought made me smile.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and as soon as I looked at the caller id, a wide smile was immediately plastered on my face while I answer it.

"Hey," I said softly.

"Hey, what are you doing today?" Edward asked.

"Well right now I'm trying to do some studying for the English test tomorrow. Emphasize on trying. I just can't bring myself to concentrate."

"Can I tempt you to have a break and have some ice cream with me or does that make me a bad boyfriend for distracting you further?" he replied.

I know I probably look like a deranged lunatic, beaming after hearing the word 'boyfriend' from him. I still can't quite believe that Edward Cullen, the Edward Cullen is with me, plain old Bella. I mean look at him and then look at me.

"A distraction would be good before I completely go mental from reading all these notes," I said jokingly.

I hear him laughing from the other side of the line. I love hearing him laugh. Ugh, pull yourself together woman! You sound like a lovesick girl. Dis-gust-ing! Shut up. Here we go again I'm having another argument with myself. Crazy much?

Betrayed (Twilight Fanfic) Chapter 14Where stories live. Discover now