01. Pick It Up

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I sighed as I looked at the sign next to the large, grey double doors. 'Group Therapy Room 02', it said. Was I really doing this? Was I really going to walk in there and talk about my problems with a bunch of strangers? On a Saturday night? A night where I could be out and about in the city, dancing in a club and forgetting how I felt with a Lazy Susan?

Yes, I guess I really was going to do this, because any god knows that I, [Full Name], would never go out on a Saturday night. Not to a crowded as all hell bar, at least not all by myself.

Yea, having little to no friends sure is fun.

Plus, my therapist strongly suggested I go to this, and guess what? My regular therapist runs this Group Therapy freak show filled with depressed little boys and girls like me. I snorted as I grabbed the door handle on one of the double doors, turned it, and took a step into the brightly lit room.

I could seriously smell the sadness upon entering the fairly large room. That, and cleaning alcohol; the scent of all hospitals. I allowed the door to shut by itself behind me, and the loud clank signaled everyone in the room that someone had entered. And everyone turned to look at me.

At least I wasn't interrupting something, because it looked like not a single person here had been talking.

There was only a handful of people, and none of them looked alike. In the seat closest to Karen, the therapist, sat a middle aged looking woman who definitely was bigger than chubby, but she wore the weight well. Next to her, was a younger looking boy, he looked at least fifteen and had short, neatly trimmed blond hair. He gave off the appearance of what one who loved labels would call a 'Jock.' Next to the young boy was a clearly transvestive man, well, I'll say woman since that is what she is now. Her makeup was the best I've ever seen, and I have to say, her outfit was damn well the most stylish thing I've been close to. And lastly, a man who seemed in his early twenties, who had jet black hair and dark brown eyes, and some scruff along his jaw and on his chin. He was tan and lean, and wearing clothes as dark as his hair.

"Oh!" Karen chirped happily, "[Y/n], you made it!" I gave a soft, although fake, smile to her. "Wouldn't miss this for the world." I said, and the words came out in a slow way that showed I was sarcastic. Karen gave me a look that said she noted that, and she turned to face the group. I walked slowly over, and saw that I either had to sit next to Karen or the black haired jap, I quickly chose sitting next to the Japanese looking fellow. At least he looked like he wouldn't gnaw my ear off with talking.

"Everyone please introduce themselves to [Y/n], and then she will do the same!" Karen instructed. I thought that was stupid, well, the part where I had to introduce myself. They already knew my name because of her. It was pointless and took up time. But I just shrugged instead of saying any of that.

They went in order, and first up was the heavy set woman, "Hello, [Y/n], I'm Ginna, it's nice to meet you." Ginna said with a warm smile, and I couldn't tell if she was faking it or not, but I think she wasn't. It looked genuine.

"Uh... Well... I-I'm Jordan..." The blond piped up, and I could tell he had the good pal Anxiety riding with him along with Depression. The poor kid.

Then the impeccably dressed transvestite spoke, "I am Lilian. It's great to see another girl here with such a fashion taste. I'm loving what you got." She gave me a playful wink, and I smiled at her. I think I'm going to like her.

As soon as Lilian stopped her talking, the man next to me started talking, "George, but I prefer Joji, thanks. It's nice to meet you. I hope you can find some comfort in this 'dysfunctional family' of sorts. God knows I haven't." He gave me a smile, one that seemed so real it scared me, but it was laced with playfulness and a slight mischevious charm. He knew just as much as everyone else here did that that would make Karen a bit put off. She hated when her 'hard work' didn't pay off.

Karen cleared her throat.

And I cracked a large smile at that.

"Well, you all know my name already, thanks to Karen here," I glanced over at Karen then I looked back at everyone, "but, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

And I guess that was true, but I wasn't happy to meet these people under such circumstances. I didn't like knowing that other people felt as bad, and maybe worse than, I did. I just wanted everyone to be happy. Unless they were an asshole. Assholes can go fuck themselves and cry in a corner for all I care.


For three and a half hours, until the clock struck 9:45 P.M, we talked about our feelings and our problems. Joji didn't talk at all, though. Neither did I. We let Ginna, Jordan and Lilian talk. And when it was our turns, we deflected with humor. Works every time... Until personal therapy. She's gonna so bash me in personal therapy... Oh well, I guess..

"Oh, and don't forget to help yourselves to the snacks and drinks in the corner, and to talk among each other for a while before leaving! Remember, you're required to stay twenty more minutes after the session to chat!" Karen said in her way-too-happy voice before standing up, and motioning to the food and drink.

Everyone stood up and went to where the junk food and drinks were. There was some healthy stuff, but mainly I wanted some sugar in my veins. Sugar highs beat drugs any day, am I right?

I got one of those hospital cups, you know, the ones that feel weird like hard paper or something, and they had that little mark on them that had been turned into a meme. Yea, those cups, and I filled it up with Sprite. And I looked over the food. Most of it was donuts and chocolates. But I instantly reached for a donut covered in white icing, and sprinkles all over it.

And that's when my hand came into contact with someone else's hand.

~Eeeyyyy, how's it going? Like that first chapter!? No!? Me either. Nothing exciting happened. But hey, things will pick up, don't sweat it! I mean, who's hand is that!? That's your damn donut, right!? You're gonna have a street fighter style brawl with whoever the hell is trying to get your donut, right!?


Hehe. I know you guys already know who's hand it is, but go ahead and pretend you don't. Do it for me. Thanks.

Btw this is my backup account lol. I'm IcyTheFurry. I forgot my password lmao. Anyways have a nice day~! ~

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