"You looked cute just now." I got up smirking at her surprised expression.

"Close your mouth, you could catch files." I said walking slowly closer to her and drew my face closer so that we were almost kissing and closed her gaping mouth.

She pushed back on the bed coming out of her shock and stared at me for a full minute before saying "is something wrong with you? Are you sick in the head? Or do you just like playing games with me?"

"Am not playing with you Kate, all I did was close your gaping mouth because I didn't want you to catch files." I said smirking.

"Yeah you're just trying to be helpful, what do you have up your sleeve? There is no way you are just trying to be helpful." she said with so much conviction like anything else is preposterous.

I can't blame her for thinking like that, shit! Even I don't know what's up with me but I just cant stop myself from flirting and teasing her, she's just so cute.

"Your right, this does not make sense at all but for some reason..." I stopped releasing a sign, turned to get my bag walking to the bed, and settled down leaning on the headboard facing her.

"We should start on our assignment before time goes by." I took out my notes, textbook, and I-Pad from bag.

Opening her mouth she looked ready to say something but seem to think better of it and stood facing me. Am going to get our bags from Christy's room. She left and I used the time to reconsider my actions and the first thought that crossed my head was what the fuck, am insane? I signed to myself.

Its been a long time since I used to have a crush on Kate, Yes I know shocker but it happened when we were kids, now it seems there are still lingering feelings left.

My parents used to fight a lot when we were kids, they were forced to get married by their parents and have hated each other ever since. At the time when we were 10 I caught Christy trying to sneak out of the house.

8 years ago (flashback)

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked has I saw her try to sneak out the back gate leading to the forest.

"Jeez! Ryan don't sneak up on people like that," She whispered, her hand to her heart has she turned to face me. "If you must know am leaving this house because am tired of hearing their screaming match every single day." She walked out the gate and I followed her.

"Are you crazy? Where the hell do you want to go if you run away?" I said and pulled her to a stop holding her shoulder. She shrugged my hand away and faced me.

"Just to our tree house that we had built in the forest. I just want some peace and quiet today okay."

"How the hell do you want to reach the tree house?, its dark and have you forgotten we had it built in the farthest and deepest part of the forest that isn't safe to go to at night and what the hell do you want to eat when you get there?" I yelled.

"Chill I brought a touch light and some food has well to last me three days which is how long I plan to stay. Pepper spray, bug spray, blankets, clothes and my toiletries. Oh! And camp gear in case I want to sleep outside and it rains." She said smiling at me brightly.

I signed shaking my head and looked down noticing the large bright pink suitcase that belongs to my mum. She noticed my gaze and looked at me with an innocent expression shrugging.

"Stop being such a worry-wart, you can just come with me you know." I signed again and nodded. Smiling she rolled the stupid suitcase towards me.

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