Prologue: On the First Day of Upper Six, Laura Says To Me

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"One more year," I mutter to myself as I throw my bags down and sit, huffing out a loud breath, feeling blood rush to my throbbing feet as the pressure is taken off of them.

"One more fucíng year, and then I'll be out if this shithole for good."

I say this to myself as a form of consolation, but somehow, it sounds like more of a death sentence.

It's only my first day of Upper Sixth Form - the last year of my secondary education, after my parents forced me to go to sixth form in the first place; for the degree that I want to pursue, Sixth Form isn't a requirement.

But what did they say?

"It's good to keep your options open, honey."

"It gives you an idea of what university will be like."

"It teaches you discipline."

Fùck that.

My first day of Upper Six, and I already feel like dragging my ass under a rock and staying there.

If Patrick Star can live under a rock and survive, then why can't I?

Then again, Patrick is a loser.

"Come on, Erickson. Don't be like Patrick. Don't be like Patr-"

I'm pulled out of my ridiculous thoughts - must be the fumes from the chem lab in chem class earlier - when I hear chuckling.

I look up to see who caught me chanting absolute horseshit to myself.

Laura Thomas.

I don't know her very well on a personal level; only that she transferred in grade nine after moving here from St. Elizabeth, and that she's been in my bio class since grade twelve.

However, we aren't friends; we never have been. Therefore, we never really interacted in class last year.

Speaking of which... she wasn't in class today.

"School getting to you already, Fiona?" she asks in a mocking, yet joking tone.

"Yeah; I should've eaten breakfast before I came to deal wit this shit," I respond half joking, half serious.

"I could never do that, leave my house on an empty stomach; I love food too much," she says completely serious now. I can't help but laugh.

She sits beside me, and waits for my laughter to cease before she continues speaking.

"Anyway... in case you didn't notice, I wasn't in bio class today; I was busy. I was wondering if we got any homework."

Damn. She's so... diligent.

Most people would use "I wasn't there" as an excuse to not do homework; yet, it's her first day back, and she's already throwing herself head first into school work

"No, we didn't."

"Thanks," she says with a smile, getting up. However, as she is about to walk away, she turns back to me with a smile; that smile has secrets behind it.

"Don't stress yourself, Fiona; I think that this year is going to be..." she pauses as her smile broadens into the grin of the Cheshire Cat.

"... amazing," she finishes. I sense the double meaning behind her words, but I have no idea what her intentions are. Completely confused, I stare at her retreating back as she walks away.

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