Tag I'm it and so are you

37 7 42

was tagged by the amazing bellerose12 🤗

1. post 13 facts about yourself
2. tag 13 people
3. answer 13 questions
4. ask 13 questions

this sounds like a lot of work...OKAY LET'S DO THIS

1. I am currently eating burnt popcorn

2. I am an antisocial 19 year old...hiii

3. I'm in University

4. I already have my Associates degree

5. I used to be really athletic and skinny(fit)

6. I am the oldest of 3

7. I have visted more than half of the U.S.

8. I really want a pet fox but it's illegal to have one in my state...poo

9. my family calls me Snow White  and Strawberry Shortcake

10.  the reason behind Snow White is because I attract animals...no lie. This one time I was walking up and down my dirt road ( I live in the country) listening to music and singing when a baby deer started fo follow me. The little cutie gave me kisses and hugged me. I named him Tyler and he was so sweet and cute

11. the reason behind Strawberry Shortcake is because the summer before my Senior year I dyed my hair this bright red/pink and I looked like the cartoon

12. my reading account is XxXkitteh-rawrXxX

13. I'm a huge Marvel fan


you're locked in a room with adam sandler. what do you do?

consider the current situation first. If its not a life or death situation, then I'll just chat with him. If it was a life or death situation then escape and then chat

tag your best friend

okie dokie! theawesomeworld bellerose12 HazzyStyles Mrs_BuckyBarnes jandralee

favourite childhood memory

hmmmm.... oh! When I was  at my friend's house and we were watching The Day After Tomorrow (I was 8 I think) and we decided to act it out. So the entire day we were outside in her yard being super dranatic it was fun

when was the last time you had water?

heh...last night

in terms of percentage, how gay are you?





true or false?

my instinct tells me to go with false (I always choose this on these types of test questions idk why)

who would you sue?


happiness or self-awareness?


when was your last exenstial crisis and what was it about?

Monday and because I was fretting over my final grades and course average grade. Almost had a panic attack

who killed the butler?


why do i cry so often?

you see my ugly face on snapchat all the time

questions for you

why are you so awesome?

what's wrong with me?

best food in the world?

fave place in the world?

what do you major in?

tag your squad I guess

fave book series?

what time is it?

childhood nickname?

cookies or ice cream?

truth or dare?

are you the Grinch who stole Christmas?

"'Tis is just a scratch"

tag you're it
brittanyolive_123 (she's my younger sis...Idek if she gets in here lol)

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