Chapter 1

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Imagine living life knowing you'll die after your 18 birthday, wondering if God had different plans for you and you were supposed to live, meet your other half, travel around the globe, go to work everyday for the rest of your life bringing home food for your family, and finally, after living a long

successful life, you die. That's how the circle of life works for everybody, isn't it? Well not for us, the kids at the Sullivan House, we were rejected by our families once and we are rejected now by the messed up idea society has of the word perfect. We reside in the outskirts of town, which means we are basically pretty far away from everything, the nearest shop is almost 5 miles from the House. Surprisingly I don't think of it as a prison, this is actually home to me, I've never lived anywhere else nor will I, and it happens to go the same way for everyone else in here, so that's why when we turn 18 they give us the choice to leave the house or to become organ donors, which by the time, the organ donor thing, has become our only choice.

Today was my birthday, finally turned 17, I was the younger one out of all my friends, the kids from my group had already turn 17 months ago and as the pessimist I am, I knew that it meant I had to see them die before I do, which left me with no other choice then hating them, for abandoning me, just like everyone else did.

7 in the morning, we were eating breakfast at the dinning room with all the other groups. The groups were divided by age, group ants from 5 to 10, group lions from 11 to 16, and then finally, us, group dinosaurs from 17 to 18, which I find quite ironic because the dinosaurs are all dead, just like our future.

"Hey" I heard, it was Anna sitting down in front of me at the table, she was one of my best friends, along with Harry, but he was a boy so it was different, Anna was vibrant, she wasn't scared of death, she always knew what to say, you'd think she was dumb by looking at her, since she has the whole I'm blonde and really flirty thing going on, but never judge a book by its cover.

"What are your plans for tonight? We could ask for permission and go out! Or we could do something here, with the lions, put some music, have some illegal drinks, get intimate with the opposite sex" it all sounded really exciting, I'm not gonna lie, but my 17th birthday wasn't something I wanted to remember, and I'm pretty sure it was gonna be the last one as well, so why would I want to make a big deal about it?

"You know we can't drink, we have to-" she interrupted me before I could finish "we have to keep ourselves healthy inside and out" she ended my sentence with a bit of annoyance in her tone

"Who cares about that? It's not like we do it everyday, come on don't be a grandma for once and let me throw you the best birthday party ever" she just wasn't going to give up, was she?

"Ok throw me the best birthday party ever" I laughed while she pulled me into a hug and started talking about drinks and bands I didn't really like but as long as she was happy everything was good.

I was finishing my breakfast when Anna finally changed the subject "I'm worried about harry, he seems to be in his own little world lately, poor kid doesn't even know when he's getting out" Harry was just a few months away from turning 18 and he already had a donation on the waiting list, it was one of his kidneys, we knew he wasn't going to die right away but that didn't make it any less terrifying.

"I'll go talk to him, to see if I can brighten up his day a little bit" I grabbed my plate, smiled at her and left, I knew where he could be, he enjoyed the quite room, ironically there's where we keep all the instruments for music class, so it's no so quite, harry wanted to learn how to play the piano so he spent hours by himself in that room until he memorized at least half of a play. Of course he would forget it by the next day but one learns by doing, and we encourage him to keep practicing so he's getting better everyday!

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