Nik Nac Night

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I'm in bed after my hectic day.

"Finally" I pull the covers over my body and review the day. Let's see. Got up at 7, spent the entire morning taking pictures at Easton where I snapped some shots of so amazing archers. Ate lunch with some friends. Grocery shopping. Unloaded the food into its proper places while the computer took my SD card's memory. Babysat my adopted nieces while Alice went on a date with her hubby. I made myself some dinner and edited all those archery pictures. May have been busy but it was a great day.

"Hey!" A voice startles me. Their voice deep, terrifying in the dark.

"The he**!" I grab my phone to turn on the flashlight and possibly call 911.

"Woah little miss. You've never cursed before." He shields his eyes from the led. A leather jacket. Black skinny jeans. Biker boots. Who was this guy? Who does he think he is some sorta "cool person"? What the he** is he doing in my bedroom. And how would he know anything about me?

"Who are you?! What are you doing in my house?!"

"You don't remember me?" He sounds disappointed. The lowers his arm to reveal his face. He has a kind face. But you can tell he's strong. His are are a beautiful yet simple brown. His hair is longer than it should be. Always flicking his neck to move the hair out of the way or combing it back with his hands. He looks kinda familiar. But not familiar enough to BE IN MY HOUSE!!!

"No! Get out!" I shout

"Charlotte, it's me. Nik." He take a seat on my bed. Nobody calls me Charlotte. Mainly because I don't like it, and ever since I moved it just felt it unnecessary. I go by Char. Most people assume my name is Charlotte. And Nik. Nik Nak. That's literally his entire name. With a name like that he would be fake right. Well he is. He doesn't exist. He's made up. Imaginary.

"No, no, no. You're - you're made up!"

"Made up? Ha. Who saved you from all those blood sucking villains? Who was there at every sleepover with Kim Possible? Hmm?"

"You were but that's because I imagined it. You're not real!"

"Then why am I here?"

"I don't know? You tell me! No actually no. I want you outta my house this instant."

"Catch me first!" He leaps out of the bed and runs around my house turning on all the lights.

"Nik! I have a job! I have a life! And I can't be playing these games!" I yell as I get out of bed to follow him.

He stops around the table. "Oh yeah! Well I have a job too! And that's making you happy!"

"I am happy." I calmly say. I knew this could get worse if I yelled more. "I have my parents, my family, Alice and her family, I have a job I enjoy, Food on my plate, clothes, a house. I know that isn't what should make me happy but really I'm happy. You did your job long ago. You can retire now enjoy golfing or something. I don't know."

"Stop lying." Is he in my head? Well, yeah, that's kinda where he came from.

"Nik... I'm not..."

"You're lonely." He sits on the couch.

I was speechless. I am. He knows. Everything. "Okay, I'm just fine by myself then. You can leave now, thank you."


"Nik. I'm 24 years old. I'm a big girl now. I can take care of myself."

"You moved. They didn't talk to you. Writing your toils up and down your body with marker so that the idea of cutting was there without permanent effects. You graduated early. Got a job. Met Josh..."


He continues anyways. "He was asked back into the marines to be deported. He left you. Now he's MIA in Afghanistan. And the last thing you were told by Decker is that they got him." He walks up to me "Char. Alice has too much to take care of to focus her everything on you. It doesn't mean she doesn't love you; it's just you need someone else."

  I break down and he pulls me in for a hug. I have him back.   

 That night we slept in the same bed. Just like old times. I thought that night the reasons why I made him. I'm an only child. I had no friends from kindergarten til second grade. Third - ninth grade was better. I moved and 4 people talked to me. Then 3. Then 2. Then 1. And that is Alice to this day My best friend. She is married with two kids. It's hard to find time to ourselves. I met Josh while Alice and Quinton were dating. He came to me at a convention while I was working. He was still in college. He graduated. And started to work. His four years was almost up when he got called back in to fight. He left. And was captured. Decker saw it all and emailed me. Some of the soldiers flew back. I don't know why I went to the airport expecting it to be a joke. Decker saw me. He gave me the picture of Josh and I at the convention. One of our firsts. "I'm so sorry. I followed them as much as I could but they drove off too fast for me to run." He said. "I found this with his stuff at the base." I hugged him said thank you and cried in my car. I flip the picture around and noticed it said I'm coming home for you. No matter what!  I started to cry when Nik Scotched closer to me and wrapped his arms around me  

"When you stay up depressed. I stay up depressed." Nik plays with my hair softly. "Go to sleep." He whispers. I eventually cry myself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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