A Letter to a Mr. Superman

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A/N: This was one of my spelling homework assignments - write a letter using all spelling words to Superman or another superhero. I decided to go with Superman and see how it went, and I liked it. :D And I felt like posting this on Wattpad, so I hope you like it! 

I mixed some universes/worlds; see if you can spot them! :) 


Mr. Superman,

             thank you for the oblong-shaped gift. I obtained it several days ago via owl, which was quite unusual and surprising. He (I can tell it's a he) is very tired so I'm letting him rest for a while. Don't worry, I have given him food and such necessary supplies. But...

Can I please keep him? He's a BEAUTIFUL snowy owl and he's become attached to me (a bit literally, too). He's the only other occupant in my apartment and it has been getting lonely here. Obviously, as you can tell, owls are one of my obsessions. You could say I'm in Athena's favor, but I truly do love owls.

Back to my point: may I pretty please with frozen yogurt for free have him? Please say yes, because I see something ominous in your future if you say otherwise. :)

I am only offering free frozen yogurt because I can. At least you get something.

I find it terribly offensive that I have to obsure my identity as I continue my observation of mortals. Well, great power comes with rules, as the saying goes. Or was it respect?

Occasionally, when a lovely actor/actress makes a dramatic exit, I feel the need to cry in happiness because of its beauty or criticize and make an objection due to it being horrible. I suppose that is why Zeus appointed dramatic exits to my title, but I still don't see how I can have control over such things. Hm.

 Enough about me. What about you? You never told me what was your objective in going to England. I wished I tagged along as soon as I heard this golden opportunity to visit London, but the summer solstice is nearing and I've been busy. You know, the usual, making obstacles and challenges in some random demigod's quest.

I suppose you've gotten another occupation title? Predictable of you. Creating any oppositions with British enemies lately? (Any by the name of Voldemort, perhaps?) I would love to hear their accents, that is, if they have one. Please do let me meet them one day. I absolutely adore British accents.

I bet you're thinking, "Why doesn't she just send an Iris message?" If you are, you clearly have not thought about this. You should know me, thinking some things through.

I know you're in England. You're in that castle school place that teaches magic. They use OWLS as messengers. I initiated the letter communication. I love owls.

Do you get it now?

That is why I wrote you instead.

Well, now I must end this letter here. Apollo wants me to help him make a new haiku book. Yeah, I'm most likely going to be blamed partially the next time Apollo reads the whole book at the summer solstice. The title? "I Am So Cool." He wouldn't let me change it. But as long as I keep on his good side, he'll try not to melt the frozen yogurt. And I need to save my precious frozen yogurt.

Don't get too popular in England! Your ego's already big enough.

P.S. I'm keeping the owl; forget what you say. I'm naming him Kent, after you, but he's still mine. Just to let you know~

- Your awesome friend, Vivien, the goddess of fails, sarcasm, dramatic exits, and frozen yogurt.


You get a virtual cookie for every world/universe you spot. I hope you liked it. The spelling words were kind of forced, because I don't do that well when I'm required to use specific words in writing.

Comment, criticize, and/or review! :D Thanks.

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