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I had no school supplies so begged my mom that I couldn't go to school lucky for me I didnt go to school.I ate breakfast it was peanut butter jelly sandwich.I was bored at are new house I decided to go to the stores . I told my mom she said I had to go with my brother so I told Stefan if he would come with me he's said yes as long as were out of the house. We went to see the bridge instead . We stayed their for a while taking some pics . We were also thinking what are lives going to be living here. Then I told Stefan we had to go buy school supplies so he took me to buy school supplies .I made my brother pay.we got home at 10:48 at the house.then we started watching tv .then my mom made me go to sleeps I went to sleep. The next morning I took a shower . I put on my best cloths On. I went down staris ate break fast brushed my teeth grabbed my back pack . My brother took me to school. We got to school I got off the car and walked in school. As soon as I walked and passed the hall my notebooks fell I was picking the note books up. Then this really cute guy came and help me pick my note books up he had blonde hair he was skinny he dressed with swag cloths. He said his name was Oscar enestad he said he never seen me before. I answered and told him I was new here.

Oscar p.o.v. I thought it would be nice to show her around. In plus she is beautiful I can't reject this one . Even though I just broked up with Lucy she was so a drama queen that's one reason I broked up with her.

Love again (the foooOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant