'Uhm, I am sorry I disturbed you,' Rebecca apologised as she followed him to the room that was to be her living space from that day.

The only thing that Jeremy did was open the door to her rooms and set her bag down. 'Meet me in my office in fifteen minutes,' he said distractedly as he walked out, again not waiting for her reply.

Rebecca looked around her new living quarters before she made her way to the kitchen. It was, as before, a complete mess. There were a few glasses by the breakfast table, a half eaten dessert of some kind together with more than a few dirty plates in the sink. Cartons of takeaway meals from one of the most expensive restaurant in the city littered the kitchen island.

Sighing, she adorned the apron her mother made her carry and set to work, keeping track of the time so that she was not late for the meeting with Jeremy.

Non-disclosure Agreement. Those were the first words that popped up on the pamphlet of papers that Jeremy handed Rebecca twenty minutes later. She had come to the office at exactly fifteen minutes after he had told her to, only to sit around and wait for him. Expecting him to be dressed when he finally showed up, Rebecca had to hide a blush when he came out with his hair more tussled up than before, clearly stating what had gone on in the last  fifteen minutes.

'What's this?' she asked, a frown marring her face.

'Surely you can read,' Jeremy replied. He was perched on his huge table, arms crossed on his chest as usual. 'it's a non-disclosure agreement. I make everyone in my employment sign it, you are no exception.'

Rebecca opened it and scanned a few pages, her face growing hot at some of the descriptions written down, 'did you come up with this or do the things written here really happen in this house?'

'Having second thoughts of working here?' Jeremy challenged. He smiled, watching as the girl in front of him tried to hide her blush. He had noticed that she blushed frequently, the pink colour making her seem so young and innocent. She probably was, he thought, as he watched her eyes grow bigger as she continued to scan the agreement he had handed her.

And who wouldn't? Some of the things he had his lawyer write in there would make anyone blush. For some reason he had wanted to push this stiff-formal girl, just to see how much he could get away with.

Rebecca shook her head, 'n-no,' she said as she took a deep breath. Orgies, swinger's parties? What was she getting herself into? She thought as she continued to read on. Some of the things written down seemed so far-fetched that she had a hard time taking the agreement contract seriously.

'Well, are you going to sign it?' Jeremy asked. 'I want to be sure that whatever happens in this house, stays here. It is well known that a lot of magazines and newspapers would do anything to get the inside scoop on my life and what happens in here. So far, I have been able to control that, with that agreement.'

'I understand,' Rebecca mumbled as she reached for the pen in front of her. She had read enough. Besides, who was she going to talk about Jeremy to? Well, except for Lily? And it was pretty easy to dissuade Lily from wanting information about Jeremy once she knew about the agreement contract, having studied law herself.

'Just to be clear,' Jeremy pinned her with a serious look. 'Once your name is on the dotted line, if you breach this contract I will sue you for everything you have.'

Rebecca nodded, 'you have nothing to worry about. I am not a babbler mouth, and I plan to be out of sight once you have your parties and stuff.'

Jeremy corked his head to the left, studying her as she bent down and signed. He hid a smile as he thought about the contract that he was about to hand to her. If she thought she was going to get away with hiding, she had another thing coming.

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