Chapter 1

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  I stare out the window gazing upon the mountains that glowed in the sun. It was so gorgeous outside and I was so tempted to  pull out my camera to take a few pics but unfortunately I was stuck in a non colorful and beyond boring room filled with overly educated pricks.

"Elise....Elise....ELISE" I came out of my wonderful world and faced the classroom filled with annoyed faces directed towards me. Most people would be embarrassed if they were in this situation but I'm not I'm human and I'm okay with making a few mistakes.

"Yes...What was the question?" I responded

"I don't repeat myself Ms. Parker consequently your participation points will be taken away. Next time I'm teaching I'll need your full attention." he replied giving me a dirty look. I shrug it off and return to window tracing a heart around the mountains with my finger. 

The bell rings and I secretly get excited I quickly scurry out the doors and breathe in the fumes of the city I smile as the sun dances on my skin. I stare at the setting of the sun and immediately pull out my camera from my bag. I snap a few pics and once I'm satisfied with the results I start to put it away until I was violently knocked down. 

I fall knee first and watch my camera fall and smash into microscopic pieces. Great.

"I'm so sorry." Says the person as they help pull me up to my feet. I quickly run over to my camera my heart sinks...all of that hard priceless work. I feel their presence on my right side.

"It's fine" I say with a slight smile.

"No I'll pay for it." I look up to my camera murderer and was taken by surprise. He was beyond beautiful. I was never the type of girl to drool over men and I'm still not but he was very handsome I must admit. I could barely speak as my blue eyes stared into his brown ones but I quickly regained my composure.

"Do you have a phone?" he asked I nodded and put in the password and handed it to him. He typed in a few things and handed it back.

"Call me around 8 I'm running late for something gotta go sorry again." He smiled and quickly ran off.

I looked at my phone "Daniel" I say to myself "Well it was nice to meet you." I say as I see him still running in the distance.


Oddly enough I was quite nervous and I couldn't figure out why. I mean I've never felt so anxious before. Time was going by so slowly all I wanted to do was get the phone call over with but as the time approached butterflies had taken over my stomach. I honestly am a bit upset that I'm feeling this way it's not least for me it isn't.


What if he doesn't answer? What if he gave the wrong number? So many thoughtsflooded my mind but I sucked them up in a big breath and clicked the call button 




"You have reached the voicemail box of-" I hung up the phone and exhaled loudly, part of me was disappointed but another part was relieved. I put my phone down on my bed and continued watching makeup tutorials on YouTube. I'll admit occasionally I glanced over at my phone but eventually I just stopped.

30 minutes later

"I don't feel no pressure I'm just tryna be-"

 I awake to my phone and quickly answer. 

"Hello?"I say not bothering to check the caller ID, as I wiped slob off the side of my face

"Hi sorry I missed your call you must be the girl from earlier?" his voice woke me up and I paused. I  can't believe he called back.

"Yes it is." I say smiling a bit.

"Aha yes my apologies about earlier I was in a rush and I didn't get your name." he laughed

"Oh it's fine and my names Elise...Elise Parker" I say with a soft laugh.

"I'm Daniel Simmons, hey are you busy? Like right now?" I look over at my laptop with the makeup tutorials still playing.

"No not at all, why?" I ask as I exit out of YouTube and close my laptop.

"Well I'm gonna be in town for a while and tonight is my first night here  so I wanted to go to Angelo's wanna meet there to discuss the camera?" he asked. Immediately I thought date but I quickly got that thought out of my mind. Elise he's simply repaying you for the damages done to your camera calm down. 

"Uh sure what time do you wanna meet down there?" I ask as I jump out of bed nearly killing myself. 

"Let's say 9:15ish?" he says in a questioning voice.

"Okay see you soon." I say

"Okay sweetheart see you soon." he hung up and I felt my cheeks burn I ran to the bathroom to see my cheeks as red as apples. Okay I've gone from butterflies to blush in one day. What's wrong with me?

Okay new story it's been so long but I wanted to bring something new to the table hopefully you like it guys. Comment if you want more. xoxo :) (Elise is in the media box)

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