Chapter 13. Derek Hale Wants To Kill Me?

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing? Why did you come here?" Scott stammered out as he approached Allison, he was clearly thinking along the same lines as I was. He didn't want Allison to be anywhere near this place. 

Allison looked at Scott in confusion, "Uh, because you asked me to?" I swallowed dryly as she showed us her phone screen, a text was sent to her telling her to meet Scott here. Oh my god. Scott didn't send that.

We all fell silent and I kept my gaze locked on Kennedy, she was giving me a look of question and I blinked nervously. What the hell am I supposed to? Her and Allison have no freaking clue what they just walked into, and Scott and I can't very well tell them that an alpha werewolf is running around the school trying to kill us.

 "Why do I get the feeling that you didn't send this?" Allison asked timidly, her brown eyes glassing over as she looked at Scott, and only Scott.

My best friend nervously glanced around the lobby, "Because I didn't."

"Did either of you drive here?" I blurted out, if they have a working vehicle we can get out of here and then I can breathe normally again.

Kennedy sighed in annoyance, "No Jackson did." 

I decided to ignore the flare of jealousy that went through my chest at the fact that Kennedy was with Jackson. I know that she doesn't see him that way, well... at least I hope she doesn't. But the way that he looks at her sometimes just pisses me off, it's like he is checking her out and it's just annoying as hell. 

"Wait, Jackson's here?" Scott echoed that asshole's name in confusion. I have no idea why the hell Jackson, Allison, and Kennedy were all in the same car-- but something tells me that Lydia is more than likely here as well because her and Jackson very rarely separate. Which means there was probably some sort of group date in progress, and Scott was more than likely supposed to be going.

Allison nodded, "Yeah and so is Lydia."

I ran my hands over my hand anxiously, this is just great. I mean we practically have a freaking buffet set up for the alpha now. I'll be damned if I let that red eyed freak lay a furry paw on Kennedy. Scott needs to hurry up and figure out how to handle this thing, because if it winds up hurting her... I let out a shaky breath at the thought of Kennedy actually being hurt because of this. I can't let that happen. I refuse to let that happen.

The set of double doors on the other side of the lobby flew open and the happy couple themselves stormed into the lobby with annoyed looks plastered on their faces, "Ugh, finally. You found them, now can we get out of here?" Lydia's tone was snarky and I didn't appreciate her attitude. We're having a very bad evening, the last thing I want to deal with is her annoying ass comments.

Scott opened his mouth to respond but before he could utter out a word, the ceiling began to creak. I visibly gulped as my hand shot out and I snatched up Kennedy's upper-arm, already knowing what was about to happen. I caught sight of the alpha's large body falling from the ceiling and that was all the incentive I needed to start running, pulling Kennedy beside me. Scott was shouting at everyone, telling them to run. 

My adrenaline was pumping, and I didn't know where to go. Scott appeared beside be in an instant and he took a sharp turn into the cafeteria. I pulled Kennedy alongside me and once we were inside the room with the doors closed, I loosened my grip, afraid to leave a mark on her delicate skin. 

I watched in confusion as Jackson, Scott, Lydia, and Allison began to stack up tables and chairs in front of the doors. What are they doing? How is that going to help us? We are literally in a room with a wall of windows. 

"Guys," I said quickly, trying to get them to stop. Lydia and Allison continued to nervously hand their boyfriends chairs and the pile was getting bigger and wider. 

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