Chapter One: Sparks

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Six Years Later...

Louis, Liam, and a now six year-old Isabella moved from Wolverhampton to London six months ago.

After Louis finally graduated from Uni, he wanted fresh opportunities. So, he announced to Karen and Geoff that he was taking Isa and moving to London. They cried. Louis had never seen them cry or be upset before. Liam decided right then that he would go with them.

Louis tried to put up a fight, but Liam was hard-headed and wanted to explore London as well. So they moved into a roomy three-bedroom flat. Louis decorated it and Liam built the furniture. Isa's room was the biggest of the three. They decided she deserved a nice room to herself after sleeping on a little rollaway cot for three years.

Louis' room was the second largest and this was the first time ever that he was going to have a space of his own. A room that he could decorate and furnish the way he wanted.

It took Louis and Isa a few weeks to get settled, Liam adapted quickly. Louis found a job as a salesman in a business park near the flat almost right away. They had a little daycare center on the first floor and it was a low fee for the employees. Louis took Isa there over the summer and during any off days.

Today was one of those off days. Isa was off for holidays, but Louis still had two more days before the office closed until January. Isa was holding onto her father's hand, skipping along side his strides. She had her blonde hair in pigtails and was all wrapped up in a cozy coat and scarf.

"Papa," Isa said.

"Yes?" Louis asked, using his ID card to get into the building.

"We seeing Karen and Geoff for Christmas?" She asked, blinking up at him.

She had Louis' eyes, but her cute, little face resembled Michael. He always wondered if he did the right thing by not telling him about Isabella.

"Yes, love," answered Louis with a smile.

They went up to the daycare center and Louis kneeled down, unwrapping her scarf and unbuttoning her coat. He handed her backpack that had her lunch box and some toys inside of it.

"Come meet Mr. Harry, Papa," Isa said. Mr. Harry was the new daycare supervisor, he hadn't been early enough the past two days to meet him yet. But today, he arrived early. Isabella continued, "He has curly brown hair."

"Alright, just very quickly. I need to go up and work, love," Louis told his daughter sternly. He really didn't want to get held up.

"Okay, c'mon!"

Isa dragged him into the room and there he was, greeting the children and parents. Louis' breath got caught in his throat. He was hot, like too hot for his own good. He had the most gorgeous green eyes that twinkled with happiness with all the children.

His hair was long and curled up in a bun on top of his head. He was a lot taller than Louis. He wore an almost neon yellow polo shirt with khaki pants and black Chucks. He looked...eccentric.

Louis really didn't want to go up to him and make a fool out of himself. He couldn't remember how to talk to attractive guys anymore, it had been too long.

"Mr. Harry," Isa said, gathering his attention.

Mr. Harry looked down at the little girl before looking at Louis, checking him out from the top of his head, down to his toes. Louis shivered all over. The utterly attractive man smiled, dimples caved his cheeks.

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