The temporary market was drowning in a sea of people, not a space seemed to be empty between the buyers and the sellers. Customers stood closely to the stalls, concentration etched into their faces as they haggled for a lesser price. Shopkeepers shouted offers into the crowd, desperation for a sale echoing in their booming voices. Each stall was surfaced with various items, large sacks of nuts and dried fruit, or handcrafted rings and earrings.

My eyes drunk in the colours, the aromas and the atmosphere of the festivity. In all my eighteen years I had not seen quite a moment like this and I was filled with glee at the prospect of no longer being an observer to the scene.

"It's beautiful." I murmured, my eyes straying from the sight to see what Oberyn was up to. He all but smiled down at me and tighten his hold on my hand.

"After you?" He nodded towards the market, a large grin overtook my lips as I guided him through the crowds of people bustling around us. Sweet and unfamiliar scents attacked my nostrils, so rich that I could practically taste them in my mouth. The experience was so overpowering that I wrapped my free arm around Oberyn's, snuggling into his bicep.

"Papa would never allow me to the annual festivals." I mentioned, remembering the numerous times I was forbidden to attend the holy day celebrations. "Are there many festivals in Dorne?"

"There is always a reason to celebrate in Dorne," He quietly laughed, no doubt a past memory flashing before his eyes. "The streets are filled, much like this one, from early morning to late evening all you can smell is citrus and spice. I am all but certain you will enjoy it."

"I cannot wait." I smiled thinking of the life awaiting me in Dorne.

We moved soundlessly down the street, stopping occasionally to browse the stalls and take in the sights. Soon enough hunger crept upon me, the sweet smells of fruit and cakes not helping my rumbling stomach.


"Very much so." I laughed, feeling the heat of a blush growing in my cheeks. Oberyn moved us towards an area of tables and benches, pulling out a chair for me to sit.

"I won't be long." He promised, walking into the congregation of people surrounding the food stalls.

From my seat I could see a variety of sugary choices, ranging from the well-loved lemon cakes to honeycomb and biscuits. Although I doubt Oberyn would buy anything to satisfy my sweet tooth, he once vented of how the desserts in King's Landing were inferior to those baked in Dorne. I chuckled remembering how his face had recoiled at the sour taste of the lemoncakes.

"Who has you laughing so heartily dear?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned my body around to see a women who couldn't have been much younger than my grandfather, her wispy hair held back by a ratty ribbon and her tanned skin wrinkled by the sun's rays. She had, by no doubt, worked for most of her life. A burden I didn't understand nor have to carry.

"Oh, no-one." I lied easily, not wanting to allude to my identity and have to return to the Keep.

"Well," She was the one laughing now, with a bright smile and small dimples. "I had a no-one once, you can tell they're the good-ones if they make you laugh as you just did." As her words ended she stood up from the nearby bench in favor of standing by my side. I was astounded by the kindness shining in her wise eyes as they darted around the nearby stalls.

"Is he with you?" Her voice was soft, her smile not breaking, "I swear, young love turns me into a gossipmonger!"

I giggled along with the stranger, my hesitation for chatter renounced by her aura of friendliness. "He'll be back soon, if you want to meet him?"

"Oh, no no. I ought to leave, have a lovely evening dear." She gave me one last smile before walking over to a silk stall to begin her haggles. I smiled at the normality of it, wondering what my life would be like if I had not been the daughter to royalty.

I felt him before I saw him, Oberyn's arm gliding along the bare skin of my shoulders. He placed a wooden platter on the table. There were several slices of warm bread with a slab of melting butter, and thick chopped pork by it's side. I pouted at the lack of pastries but even so I helped myself to the food.

"Who was that woman?" He questioned, slithering his hand along the length of my thigh to rest.

"I haven't the slightest idea," I spoke, tearing apart a piece of bread. "She was very kind though."

"Sunbeam, you have to be careful as to who you speak with." I feel a tug on my skirts and looked down to see his hand fighting against the layers of silk. I shoot him a warning glare but it doesn't stop his quest, soon enough his rough fingers tickle my skin. I emitted a gasp as he squeezes my thigh, emphasising his following words. "Varys' spies lurk everywhere."

"Well then," I all but choke out the words, my body was on fire from his touch and it was a struggle to speak without letting out a low moan. "Maybe we should return to the Keep?"

"Whatever makes you happy." He smirked, the food before us long forgotten.

I knew exactly what he was doing. Leaving teasing touches around my body as we fled from the market. I felt like I was in a haze, floating through the winding passageways not caring if anyone saw the chaste kisses I was leaving on Oberyn's neck.

Rough lips pressed against mine as Oberyn pushed me through the door of our chamber, the kiss was so heated that I melted into his arms. I reached up, my hands moving to pull and tug on the short black strands of his hair.

"Jump." Oberyn growled into my mouth, I obeyed as he pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Carrying me towards our bed, he chuckled as I fell with a soft bounce against the mattress. He crawls up my body, his eyes searching mine. I smiled taking ahold of his face guiding him into a kiss, with my lips I could feel him fighting between smirking and kissing. Both of us intoxicated by the other since the last time our bodies had connected in a passionate rendezvous.

"M'Lady!" The distant screech of Ada's familiar voice hit my ears. Oberyn's hands upon my waist tightened as he lifted his lips away, laughing at the predicament we had found ourselves in.

So there we laid upon each other, laughing as Ada's traumatised body quaked with embarrassment.

The Baratheon Girl • Oberyn MartellWhere stories live. Discover now