Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Lucy, hurry up! Your dress is in the dressing room, Crys will do your hair and your make-up." Jean said as I enter the studio.

"Well, where's the dressing room?"

"Third level, to your right, then you can see a a door which has your name on it."

"okay thanks, sir"

I went back to the studio when I noticed a familiar black hair, I didn't mind. It may be a replica of him.

"Ahh, there you are Ms. Wenchester" my photographer, Luke, happily told me.

"Lucy....?" I turned around to the voice that spoke to me. I couldn't believe what I saw. It's been 2 years since we have seen each other. It's been 2 years, since he told me to stop talking to him because he told me himself, that I'm just an annoying girl....

"Zayn....?" I stuttered. I could feel my eyes starting to tear up. I quickly wiped it away.

"Mr. Malik?" called Luke. "Yes?".

"You and Ms. Wenchester will photoshoot together first, while the rest of the boys will have to wait for their turns." explained Luke as he's facing Zayn.

"What?" Zayn and I said in sync.

"Lucy, you've got to do as I told"

"Well why does it have to be Zayn?" I questioned Luke. Like why him? There's about five of them!

"What I am trying to say is, the boys will take turns with taking a photo of you" Luke said calmly.

"You've got to be kidding me" i muttered under my breath but regretted it .. 

"What was that?" Luke asked as if he didin't know. "Nothing, sir"


The photoshoot finished two hours ago. I quickly ran out of the building and head off to Starbucks.

"Lucy!" I turned around to be met by hazel brown orbs, "Leave me alone Zayn" I told him and walked faster but he grabbed my arm and turn me to look at him. "Please Lucy, just let me explain!" he exclaims.

"There's nothing to explain Zayn! I clearly understood what you told me to do 2 years ago!"

"I never meant for it to happen!" he protests. "Oh you mean you never meant to say I'm a clingy annoying girl and I'm nothing to you?" I said sarcastically.

"I know I messed up alright? But I'm trying to fix this." he said. Jerk.

"Yeah right" I scoffed.

he opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off,

"I clearly understood that you were busy but you don't have to tell me I'm annoying and change your number and then shut me out of your life! You could've just told me simply to stop than to just yell at me like I'm a waste of trash! You don't know hoow it feels to be hurt. You don't know how it feels to be left alone by the ONE AND ONLY person I trusted to shut me out of their life just because of fame. Really Zayn? Just because of that stupid word floating around your head? Just because of it, you left me? Well guess what? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be 'famous' right now. Tears were streaming down my face.

There was a minute of silence until I spoke up again.

"I thought you were different" I said quietly.

When I was about to walk away, he grabbed  my wrist but i told him,

"What the hell IS your problem? Can't I just think all by myself?!" I yelled at him angrily. I was frustrated.

He slowly let go and I turned and walk away but not without hearing him mutter,

"I'm sorry"


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