Lips sighed and walked downstairs. Vira and Kayla smiled at him.

"There's my li'l music man." Kayla said, walking to Lips, half hugging him, and kissing his cheek. Lips giggled quietly. "Momma...." 

"C'mon 'n eat, baby." Vira said, also half hugging Lips, "Your bus will be here soon."

Lips nodded. As he sat down, Kayla hugged Lips from behind him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders while he ate. She kissed the top of his head and began to slowly caress the sides of his hair. Lips flinched and giggled. He looked up and smiled at his mother. Kayla smiled back and kissed his forehead. 

"Sleep okay baby?" Kayla asked. Lionel nodded. "Yeah." Lips replied simply. 

"I can't believe my little babies are sophomores now." Kayla said softly, "I still remember when you two were babies."

"Don't worry momma we're still your babies." Lisa said, now looking at Lips, "Even Lionel's STILL a baby." Lips just gave her a dirty look, but Lisa just poked his sides, leaving Lips shrieking and giggling. "Don't do that!" he whined, "Ya know I hate that." Lisa just giggled.

"Oh play nice you two." Vira said, giggling, "You two can wrestle when you get home."

On reaching the school, Lips and Lisa were walking out of the bus and in the school. 

"Yo Lisa! Lips!" 

The twins turned around to find Zoot, smiling and waving to them. Zoot had full curly hair and black glasses. He was wearing a yellow shirt with a black shirt jacket to cover it. Zoot was wearing brown pants and brown sandals, similar to Lips's. 

He approached the two and smiled.

"Whazzap?" he asked, "Excited to start this boring first day of the crap?"

"Zephyre you're just one of them school haters aren't ya?" Lisa asked.

"Pre much." Zoot nodded.

"It don't mind me none tho." Lips whispered. 

"I know, Lips." Zoot replied smiling and putting a hand on Lips's shoulder, "I know you like school. Just not as much as your sister."

"Hey I'm goin' in the army one day," Lisa said, punching Zoot's arm, "I gotta get my grades all good!" 

"Sheesh okay I'm sorry!" Zoot said, rubbing the spot where she hit him, "By the way, Karen's lookin' for ya. She's over at art class."

"Thanks Zeph." Lisa said, then kissing Lionel's cheek, "I'll see ya later, Lionel. Zeph keep 'n eye on him."

"Ey I always do don't I?" Zoot asked, chuckling.

Lips giggled as Zoot gave him a half hug. "C'mon pal, let's go find the guys. They should be over in chemistry." he said.

"Why did we have to take chemistry?" Lips asked. 

"I dunno, we couldn't make up our minds." Zoot replied, "But be glad we all get music together." 

Lips nodded. "True true. Hey c'mon we're gonna be late." Zoot nodded in agreement.

As he was taking a seat in music class with Zoot, he peered over and saw the rest of his friends entering the room.
John had a short beard going on, but a little bigger than Lips's. He was wearing blue shades, red and blue striped V-neck with short sleeves with a black vest over top, blue jeans, and dark brown tassled flats. Floyd now had a small ponytail and had a small mustache growing. He was wearing a black Beatles t-shirt, ripped brown jeans and black converses. Animal now had crazy red and pink hair and was on a spiky leash held by Floyd. Animal's mother insisted on having a leash on Animal because he was basically part dog, but he's still human. Animal was wearing a white t-shirt that was torn a bit and was wearing a torn black necktie. Animal wore some torn brown leather pants and only some black converses. Janice was mostly beautiful to Lips, but he knew that she was still taken and still called "Teeth's babe". She now had long hair, but she would always put a strand of hair up with two ponytail holders. She was wearing makeup around her eyes and lips, and was only wearing flower or seashell jewelry. Janice was wearing a white t-shirt with a pink tank top over top, along with a blue ripped skirt, pink leggings with black leg warmers, and white converses, similar to Floyd's but white. 

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