Lost in Time

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I flipped through the pages absentmindedly. Sigh. I hated science homework. It was even worse in Montreal, everything was in French. It got annoying after awhile. I read the following paragraph,

Witlat. This herb has been extinct for many years.

The last one surviving was in 1666. This herb cures

all diseases.

            I wondered if maybe I could get that herb. I’d get a good mark in science. But seriously, wasn’t that, like, impossible? A voice interrupted my thoughts, it was my dad. Dad wasn’t a normal dad who would punish you if you did something wrong. He was a dad who understands everything, no matter what problem you have. I liked the way he was.

            “Kate, what do you want for dinner?” he said.

            “I don’t care,” I answered, not in the mood to talk anymore.

            Later that day, the only thing I could think about was the herb. So I did what I always do; talk to my family.

            “School was boring as usual,” I said, with a big chunk of mashed potato in my mouth. I loved food, any type.

            “Don’t talk with your mouth full,” dad said angrily.

            I swallowed the chunk of food and excused myself from the table. I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I didn’t feel like talking, mainly after that conversation. I went to my room to get dressed and I put on my favourite pajamas. I looked into the mirror. The picture of the herb was still in my mind. I looked at myself, maybe I wasn’t the girl who would be a hero and get an herb. I was just a person, who didn’t pay attention. Not a champion or anything. I went to the bathroom to start brushing my teeth. I was tired and it was time to go to bed.

            The next day, I was working in my family’s supermarket. As I was putting candy on the shelves, I asked my dad,” Do you know anything about the herb, Witlat? It can cure all diseases. It’s amazing!”

            “No, I don’t honey, but it seems that you’re interested. I think I might have a book about it. When we get home, I can give it to you. I think you’ll find it appealing.”

            “Or,” I said, not wanting to read anymore, ”I could go and get the herb with Skate.”

            “I don’t know if you really want to do that. You’ve hated your brother since you were born. It is your choice. In addition, I don’t even know where you can get it,” he declared.

            I remembered the paragraph I read in science and the answer was 1666. Some how I needed to get there. Time travel machine, something.

            I heard a voice,” Excuse me, do you sell any salt and vinegar pickles?” asked a customer.

            “Oh yes, I do. I’ll go check in the back,” I said. I went to the back of the store and something surprised me. There were boxes everywhere, but no food. I entered the curtains into the next section. There it was. The salt and vinegar pickles! The jar was covered, so I was hesitant about whatever was inside. I shrugged and said to myself,” I guess the customer will just have to find out herself.”

            Suddenly, someone barged through the door. I turned around and it was my brother. He stormed in and grabbed the jar right out of my hands.

            “ What are you doing? This jar is for a client, not you,” I bellowed.

            “ Too bad. I need it. You know that those pickles are the new trend and I really want them,” Skate argued.

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