Chapter 1: Leaving

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Three weeks after thinking it over about leaving, there came an opportunity out of nowhere.


"Honey the phone", yelled Katharine.

"Coming", said Maru, racing down the stairs. "Hello? Yes......Really?...... Of course I would be willing to buy it! You don't know how much we've been waiting for someone to ask us that. ....... Oh. I haven't told you? Ok I'll tell you later. Right now I have something to do. Come tomorrow like around 8:00am to give it to me. Ok? Bye."

"What happened darling", asked Katherine.

"Oh I can't believe  it! My brother is selling his boat!", said Maru.


"You don't get it, do you?"


"Katherine, open your eyes. If we buy that boat, we can sail off to another country and away from this terrible place where we are surrounded by hatred people, selfishness, jealousy. We can get away from your terrible sister."

"But... but, where will we get the money? We are already running out of food that we bought with your last check!"

"That is why we have piggy banks." Maru pointed to an old dusty piggy that was surrounded with spider webs in the corner of the room.

"Oh that is wonderful!" Katherine happily hugged her husband and started making plans for when they will leave.


At 8:00 o'clock sharp, Maru's brother came to their house with a small boat hooked to the car.

"Hey, Maru", said Mark (his brother). "It's been a long time bro."

"Well, let me just tell you that it hasn't been a very good year for me", stated Maru sadly. "First of all, I lost my job and I can't get another one because my boss ruined my record. Then I was sent to court and lost my demand. I then had to pay $50,000. And all this because I cursed at my boss! Can you believe it?"

Mark was shocked."Gee. I really don't know what to say. I would let you borrow money but you wanted my boat and I'm guessing it's too leave?"

"Yes my smart brother. You guessed right."

Maru then told them of their plan. "I'm actually doing all this for Victoria. She's only 3 months old and I don't want her to grow up in this ruined society. We are leaving Florida and going to some place special. Some place like"

"The Bahamas?", asked Katherine timidly.

"Yes.....Yes!.....the Bahamas", said Maru.

"Ummmm, sorry to interrupt you but you do know that you have to go through the Bermuda Triangle, right?", asked Mark.

"Oh. Well I guess we will have to follow one of Robert Frost's quote", said Maru. "' The best way out is through.' "

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2017 ⏰

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