Negotiating With Gabriel Agreste

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Adrien sat in his father's office with a straight face; he didn't care if his father was going to yell at him. When Adrien turned 18th he became a little more defiant. Finally he spoke, "What do you want, Father?" Adrien gripped the sides of his chair in anger; it wasn't fair that he ruined his date with Chloe. "The company is failing, Adrien." He started monotonously, Adrien only nodded in understanding; lately things weren't going to plan because of business-y things. "So to keep it from failing any further I decided it was time for you to be married to a young lady who is just as wealthy as we are!" He exclaimed.
"Well, then you're in luck! I'm engaged to Chloe Bourgeois!" Adrien said over joyed smiling like a maniac; but his father only frowned. "Not her, she will disgrace the family name and will use our money for her own benefit. You will marry someone of my choice and not that spoiled brat!" He shouted, but Adrien didn't move. "And what if I don't like who you choose? Am I free to marry that 'spoiled brat'?" He asked, anger bubbling inside him. His father heaved a long, heavy sigh and said in soft but frustrated tone, "If and only if, the woman I choose is not suitable, then yes you may marry Chloe Bourgeois."

Adrien lay down on his bed, proud that he made a negotiation with his father Gabriel Agreste. It wasn't everyday you could change his mind it was usually set like concrete.

Gabriel Agreste hoped that Adrien fell in love with Marinette. She was the company's only hope.

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