𝟎𝟒 ― Firewhiskey & Chocolate

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four firewhiskey & chocolate

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four firewhiskey & chocolate

"YOU'RE AN IDIOT, AND I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT, MATE," James deadpanned, shaking his head softly and pulling away, "I mean, really, why on earth did you think that this would be a good idea?"

Sirius glowered at him. Did he think it was a good idea to set his long suffering but mostly silent crush up with Remus? No, no he did not. Contrary to what James was calling him, he wasn't that dumb – he realized that it was completely foolish, but it was his only chance to actually make Nadia like him.

And honestly, it's not like they ever interacted before, so he couldn't quite understand why she didn't like him so much. So he goofed off in class a little, who cares? Life didn't always have to be so serious – he believed in the philosophy of having fun, and sometimes that meant slacking off and joking with his best mates. Maybe dying some people's robes pink, or their skin blue, but only temporarily. It made everyone laugh, so what was the harm?

"I'm aware that it may not be the smartest move," he conceded. Never would he be willing to admit that James Potter was right when it came to crushes. He tailed after Lily Evans for years and it's gotten him nowhere, so trusting his instincts when it came to asking a girl out would not be wise. Sirius, however? Well, he's picked up plenty of people before!

He's gotten plenty of dates, snogged people sober and drunkenly, and he knew how to be a gentleman, at least a little bit. And, well, yeah, getting the girl should not include setting her up with Remus – and honestly, what did she see in Remus?

No, that's cruel.

Remus was a catch, anyone would be lucky to have him. Hell, he'd date Remus if given the chance; if Sirius could be a gentleman, Remus actually was a gentleman. All the time, without prompting, and without stressing over hours and rehearsing conversations so he got it alright. Yeah, he was better at light flirting than Remus, but Remus definitely had the classic flowers, chocolate, and tea shops dating experience down naturally while Sirius actually had to work towards it.

James snorted. "Not the smartest move, he says," James mocked, "Sirius, I love you, truly – you're my brother – but this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say. You should absolutely not set Nadia up with Remus. I mean, you finally have a chance to get to know her, and you're just gonna waste it because she doesn't like you? Seems like a small challenge at best. You can overcome it."

"I think you've been reading too many 'enemies to lovers' books," Sirius shook his head.

"It's not my fault they're good!"

"But not everything is a romance novel," he pointed out, "You're just hoping that if I can convince Nadia to date me, you'll have a better chance with Lily."

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