Part 23

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4 days pass September 28th

Colin and Rosemary are aloud to take the twin's home now, Rosemary is starting to get the hang of breast feeding both of them but still needs a bit of help so Colin had taken time off work to help her and hire a helper for her during the day until she get's it down.

15 day's pass October 13th

Today is Finley's 4 month check up, Logan get's a call from Robert in a panic

"Hey man, I know you have the afternoon off for Finley's check up but is there any way you can de me a huge favor when your done?" Robert ask's

"Sure anything" Logan say's

"Can you and Rory go to labor and delivery, Juliet's in labor and panicking and I'm stuck in a meeting"

"Ya no problem, We will keep her calm and make sure she's taken care of"

"Thank you, youre a life saver"

"Hey you would do it for me if I need you too"

"Well Ace, it looks like we get to head upstairs after Finley's check up, Juliet's in labor and Robert cant get out of a meeting" Logan say's

"Oh no, I feel bad for Juliet and Robert, She must be freaking out"

"Ya he said she's panicking"

"I dont blame her, I would too if you couldnt make it to me if I was in labor"

"That is why you are lucky you're married to me, I'm the boss so I can go anytime I want too, I also wouldnt travel for the last 3 month's of your pregnancy"

"Well yes I am lucky that way, It's good to know you wouldnt travel, But I dont think we will be having another baby till finley is one, Finley is an amazing baby but what would happen if the next baby wasnt as easy, I would have two kids under 2 and I may not do as well"

"Well that's understandable, We can always do lot's of practicing before we try again, I like practicing anyways"

"Yes that is fun, I'm glad you understand where I'm coming from, Plus I'm just getting back to work now that finley is older"

Finley's check up went good, He's Now 20lbs at 4 months :0 He's a big boy. But tall like his dad. Rory and Logan head up to see how Julia's doing and see how far along she is.

"Hey Julia, How are you doing?"

"Well I'm freaking out, Robert isn't going to make it, I'm already 6cm and I've only been in labor for about 90 min"

"Robert will make it, If you get to 8cm and he is still in his meeting I will call him and get him here in time hell or high water, I know he does not want to miss any of this trust me Its the most amazing experience of a fathers life, The birth of his child" Logan said


"Yes really, I would have done anything in my power to be there for Rory to watch our kid's be born"

"Wait, Did you just say kid's? Does that mean There's another one coming?"

"No, We are waiting till Finley is at least a year old to discuss trying for #2" Logan said

"That's good, Give Rory's body time to heal fully and have kids spaced out a good amount"

"Ya thats always good" Rory say's

Dr comes in to check Juliet, so Logan walks into the hall with Finley.

"Well Juliet your 8cm, your progressing very good, I will be back in 15 min to check on you, If you feel any pressure down there push the call button and we will come right to you"

"Oh crap Oh crap He's not going to make it" Julie cries

Logan call's Robert and say's "she's 8cm and progressing fast"

"I'm walking out now, I will be there in 10 min I'm running" Robert say's

"He walked out of the meeting and told them his baby is about to be born and he cant miss it, and he's running here" Logan tells Juliet

"Hopefully he make's it I cant do this without him"

"He will make it" Rory says

5 min later Julia feels pressure down there and presses the call button and the Dr comes in and check's, "She's 10cm and can start pushing"

"No, I need my husband he should be here any second"

"Ok Juliet we can wait for a few min as long as the baby doesnt go into distress"

"thank you"

Robert run's into the delivery room and put's his gown on over his suit

"Well I'm Here I promised you I would be here"

"I Love you, Thank you for making it, I was so scared"

"I know, I'm sorry I wasnt here for the labor"

"It's ok Rory and Logan kept me occupied"

Logan and Rory are in the waiting room calling Colin and fin to let them know Juliet's having her baby

They tell him to tell Robert and Juliet they will be there after work

"Ok Juliet hold your breath for 10 second's and push" the nurse tell her




"1 big push"

Baby's head's out





"Congratulation's you have a Girl" The Dr say's

15 min later Robert come's out to the waiting room and ask's if Logan and Rory want to come meet his baby

"Of course, thats why we waited" Logan say's with a laugh

"So a boy or girl?' Rory ask's

"You will see soon enough" Robert say's

Robert walks in the room followed by Rory and Logan behind her pushing finley

"OMG another girl!!!" Rory squeals quietly

Amelia Rose Garibaldi

Born 1:35pm September 13th

6lbs 10oz


"Congratulation's, I see Robert is going to have to buy a gun now, She's Beautiful" Logan says

"She really is beautiful" Rory say's

"Thank you" Juliet say's

"I'm already shopping online for my gun" Robert says with a laugh

"Sorry Bud, Girls out number you and your cousin now" Logan say's to Finley

Rory and Logan visit till 2:30 and leave to let Juliet get some rest before everyone else comes

"Logan, I think I may want our next baby to be a girl"

"Oh really, Do you think we can control that?"

"I wish, But I think a girl would be nice, I can buy all the pink frilly cute things"

"I know, But you see you now have a 3rd niece to spoil and buy those things for until we decide to try and incase we get another boy next time"

"Well that is True"

"I know is sure will spoil them, Like I spoil you, and ya I think a girl next time would be nice"

"I have an idea, How about when we get home I feed Finley and we practice making a girl" Rory bite's her lower lip

"Well that sounds like a plan to me" Logan say's with a little laugh

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