7 days pass September 23rd

Colin and Rosemary return home from their honeymoon

They decided to catch up on some thing's around the house, but rosemary has to stop and sitdown, the twin's are really active and causing some pain's but she think's nothing of it, she's close to the end and they have almost no room so of course if they are really active it can hurt a bit, But she's only a few day's away from 37 weeks along. After an hour of this continuing she decided to sit on the couch with her feet up and hope they calm down, About 4 hour's later they finally calm down and Rosemary is exhausted so she goes to bed.

Rosemary woke up with a backache around 4:45 and decided to jump into the shower and run hot water on her back as it has helped her with backaches in her pregnancy before but after about 10 min she could hardly move from the pain.

Colin is woken up around 5am by the sound's of rosemary crying and calling for him from the bathroom, She's in the shower and cant lift her leg over the tub to get out, she can hardly move because her back is killing her, Colin Pick's her up as carefully as he can and takes her to their bed, Put's her in a house coat and dial's 911 deciding she needs to get to the hospital she might be in labor. She tells Colin she doesnt think she can wait for the paramedics because she feels like she has to push, The operator gives Colin instruction's on how to check and see if she's crowning, She is, Hes then told to tell her to push down hard like she has to poo and hold for 10 second's with her contraction's, Rosemary gives 2 good push's and the first baby is out, The paramedic's have arrived now so they take care of the baby and deliver the second baby with 4 good push's from rosemary. Once they get to the hospital Their Dr check's rosemary and the twin's out, to make sure they are all fine.

Colin phoned the guys and let them know that Rosemary had delivered the first baby and the second was coming.

They said they would head over once the girls had woken up and gotten ready.

8am September 24th at the hospital

Logan, Rory, Robert and Juliet arrive at the hospital to meet the twin's and see Colin and Rosemary. Colin come and gets them from the waiting room and brings them into the hospital room too meet the new babies.

"Did you name them yet?" Juliet ask's

"Yes we picked their first names out a few weeks ago and figured their middle names out once they where born" Said Rosemary

Evan Scott McCrea

Born at 5:05am

7lbs 3oz


Everly Faith McCrae

Born at 5:15am

6lbs 13oz


"Wow big babies for being 3 weeks early" Rory said

"Ya the Dr said that too, I guess rosemary grows big healthy babies" Colin said

"Ya to bad it felt like I was crouched over a box of dynamite that exploded twice" Rosemary said

"Thats funny my mom said the same thing about child birth when I was born" Rory said

"Well your mom was right and I dont think I will be doing this again" Rosemary said

"I dont think I want to have this baby now.." Juliet said

"Well it's a little late for that hun" Robert said with a little laugh

"Well I know that, I think I'm going to ask for what Rory had so I dont have to feel the pain" Juliet said

"Ya that is a good idea, I wish I had of been able to get the spinal block but by the time Colin dialed 911 I was ready to push" Rosemary say's

"I delivered my son before the paramedics even made it to the apartment, Thankfully they got there right after he was born" Colin said

"From the beginning of the back pain till the second baby was out was only a half hour" Rosemary said

"Wow that was fast" Rory said

"Ya I'm thinking now that maybe the pains I was having when we got home may have been the start of labor and not just them having a random party" Rosemary said

"Oh thats very possible that your labor started out slow and then all of a sudden when the back pain started your body sped up labor once you laid down in bed and got relaxed enough" Robert said

Everyone looks at Robert wondering how he know's that

"What I have been reading a lot of birthing and pregnancy books preparing for my baby to come, I wanted to know everything that can happen" Robert said

"Well better to be prepared then known nothing when the time comes" Logan said

"I'm glad Robert has done all the reading he has so he can help out during labor" Juliet say's

"I think if Juliet is in any sort of pain I will time it and take her in to get checked out just in case, I dont know if I could help deliver my baby and see Juliet in so much pain" Robert said

"Honestly when I was being told what to do I was more focused on getting rosemary to push and making sure that everything was ok with them, to think about how much pain rosemary was in, It just kind of kicked in" Colin said

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