The Wedding Night

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I made the moodboard few months ago and I wanted to give it a story so here you go! :))

Saba Desai, a twenty-four year old tall, slim dark brunette girl, with a tan complexion, marched and dodged her way through, on the crowded London sidewalk. Her dark eyebrows were knitted together and her pink lips were pursed closed, as her hands were fisted inside the pockets of her burgundy leather jacket. The London weather was kind of chilly during this time of the year, making Saba slightly shiver.

After another few minutes of dodging and shivering, she had finally arrived at her destination and that was the local pub, which was kind of small and shabby looking, but that didn't matter to her. If they served her the dose of alcohol she desired, then she was going to be more than pleased with their service and not care about their maintenance.

Saba stepped inside, immediately getting engulfed by the warm heat which the building held within it, feeling somewhat better already. But her initial reason to take an abrupt stroll down to the bar, was still there lingering in her heart, making her feel suffocated.

She stomped over to the bar counter, with the heels of her boots clicking loudly against the wooden floorboards, passing the few tables set out with only a few handful of drunk customers occupying them, and took a seat on one of the vacant stools situated from across the bartender, who was a blonde male, wiping down his work station, and beside a male customer who was busy scrolling through his phone as he sipped away on his alcoholic beverage.

"Hello, miss. What can I get you?" the bartender asked Saba, once he noticed her taking a seat, with a smile as he stopped wiping the counter.

"Hit me with something that'll do the most damage." Saba replied. "I need something hard and I want it fast."

The bartender's smile fell and he looked at Saba reluctantly. "Are you sure, miss?

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Maybe I can suggest you-"

"Fine, dammit!" Saba snapped, quickly growing irritated. "Just get me a Bloody Mary, then."

"Um, right on it." the young male rushed off to the side to go prepare Saba's order, which was one of her favourites.

Saba softly grumbled to herself as she rested her head into the palms of her hands, which were covered with winter gloves, feeling bad for yelling at the bartender. No one deserved to see the bad side of her, for something she was going through in her life. Before she began to loathe herself again, she heard the male customer beside her, speak.

"Rough day, huh?" Saba heard the man's voice say, which held a very different British accent, something she had never heard before in London. With her eyes still remaining closed, she was able to concentrate how smoky the tone of his voice was and that only intrigued her to look up towards him.

Saba looked up to find the stranger be a young male, probably around her age, wearing a leather jacket just like her, but in black over a white shirt and black pants. He had big, light brown eyes, which were encased with the longest eyelashes she had ever seen on a man. It wasn't weird, in fact she found it impressive. He had an olive skin tone, which made the dark features on his face, stand out more. His lower jaw was sprinkled with a dark stubble, and his eyebrows were black and slightly thick. He had the sharpest features, such as a pointed nose and a chiseled jawline. Lastly, he had jet black hair which looked so soft and voluminous.

"Um, not exactly." Saba replied, slightly shaking her head. "It's been bothering me for a while now."

"Work?" he asked.

"No... but I'd rather have a shitty job to complain about over what I'm going through." Saba chuckled humourlessly.

"Your Bloody Mary, miss." the bartender came back again and placed the glass filled with the red liquid and a celery stick sticking out of it, in front of Saba.

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