First Day

277 11 7

Gerard's POV

Well, looks like I have a new job, I think to myself as I end my conversation with Mikey and open the door to my dorm room.

I despise the fact that I live in a dorm. This was never my dream. Its so boring in there. The walls are a blinding white and the beds have pale green sheets. You would think an art school would have more decor.

My roommate isn't all that bad though. His name is Bob. He seems like a pretty nice guy, we like the same music and share some classes. Thats all we really talk about though. I've realized that he's kind of a player though, with a sock on the door knob every night. I don't really mind though, it gives me time to go to the art studio and paint.

Bob and I are definitely not close though, and I doubt we'll ever be. Even though we've been roommates for over a year now, I still haven't told him I'm gay. And I'll probably hold off saying something for a while. Like most straight guys, I doubt he'd like the idea that he's sharing a tiny room with a gay guy.

I get through the door and immediately slam down on the bed. I began to think to myself about my new job.

SHIT, I don't own a suit or anything nice like that.

I never thought that I would need one, to be honest.

I had to drag myself out of bed and forced my hand to grab my wallet and keys.

Good thing Bob isn't here, I probably look pathetic as fuck.

Well, looks like I'm going shopping. But wait, what decent store is open past 9?

I get on my motorbike and head downtown anyways.

I love downtown New York City at night, all the lights and noise. It comforts me. Makes me feel less... alone.

Surprisingly, theres a Macy's still open. I ran in and grabbed the first black suit I could find.

200 dollars! For this?

At that point, I didn't even care, I was just too damn tired. I grabbed the black jacket and pants and headed over to look at shirts. I took the cheapest white dress shirt and found a red tie and ran over to the checkout.

A total of $246.78.

Fuck, there goes my food money.

Hopefully this job will pay better than Dominos did.

•*•*•Next Morning•*•*•

I woke up with a pounding headache, as usual.

I looked up at the clock which read 7:43.

Well shit, I'm late for my first day. Nice going Gerard.

I knew I needed to be there by 8, and of course with traffic it would take 30 minuets to get there.

I quickly got into my knew suit and brushed back my greasy, black hair.

To my surprise, the suit fit perfectly.


I looked good.

I hadn't worn a suit in years, and ya know, I actually loved it.

I decided to take a taxi, I figured my dusty ol' motorbike would mess up my suit.

I finally made it to the office building and ran in to look at the directory to see what floor Pines Air was on.

Luckily, it was only on the fourth floor, so it shouldn't take forever to get there.

When the elevator finally dinged, I ran in, slamming into someone.

I looked down and i could see mail everywhere. In the center of it, probably the cutest boy I had ever seen. I guessed he was the mail guy of the office.

He had short hair, but long black bangs that covered one eye. He had a nose and a lip piercing. The boy had tattoos, LOTS of tattoos. He was the most perfect thing I had ever seen.

I quickly snapped myself out of my day dream and got up to help pick up the mail.

"S-sorry, I was in a bit of a hurry. Todays my first day here and I was running late." I said, trying to break this awkward silence.

He looked up at me with a beaming smile. Oh god, his smile, his eyes, everything was perfect.

"You must be Mikey's brother!" he exclaimed. I was shocked by his enthusiasm.

"Uh.. yeah, I am. My names Gerard."

"Cool, cool... Well I'm Frank, I'm the guy with all the mail for the office."

After we picked up the mail he showed me around. I didn't pay much attention, I was busy being wooed by him.

I think I'm gonna like it here...

•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•* A/N

Well there you, the beginning of a beautiful Frerard! Tell me what you think so far, again its my first fan-fic ever so feel free to give me any suggestions. Thanks guys!


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