The Ruins

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Some time later...
"Hello my child. Are you lost? I'll take you to my house. Follow me." She goes on waiting at the top of the stairs. *The shadow of the Ruins looms before you, filling you with determination... You heard this and excitingly started clapping. * Greeeaaat they can hear me....

At Toriel's house
"Are you hungry my child? I hope you like snails." 'Wait do goats eat snails?' You thought to yourself 'oh wait! Goats will eat anything!' ... 'IM AN ANYTHING!' After realizing this you cautiously walked around Toriel's home, just in case. "Here's your room my child.... Well, I better go take out the pie." Then she left and went down the hall into a different room, you didn't know what to do so you went in your room. You were a bit tired so you took a nap on your new bed, Later you woke up to the smell to Butterscotch-Cinnamon pie. You rolled out of Bed to get it but you accidentally crushed the pie. You just walked away forever crying inside. Toriel was reading so you went down stairs and she didn't see you, which was AMAZING because then no boss battle for me to write.

You left the Ruins

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