Chapter 1~Allison

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Chapter 1~ Allison

   "I'm just tired of Hannah always picking on me for not having a boyfriend. Excuse me if I don't want to have hundreds of relationships that always fail because the guys are total jerks." I complained to my best friend Tom.

   My name is Allison Stylinsky. I am a 16 year old junior in Carlton High. Hannah is my sister, she is always getting new boyfriends and that is what is I am complaining about. Tom understands everything I am saying because he's, well.....he's gay.

"You can't let her get to you, Allison. If you want to find the right guy before you date someone, then you do it". Tom said to me but I wasn't paying attention. I was to busy watching the bad boy of the school, Gabe Fuentes.

"Why does he do that?" I asked.

Tom followed my eyes to where Gabe was standing. 

"Do what?"

"He walks around like he's some hot shot who can get any girl he wants just by pointing at them."

"Well, that's because he is a hot shot that can get any girl he wants." Tom explained.

"Not helping." I said.

"I'm sorry, but you have to admit, he is easy on the eyes.” he said. “Are you kidding? He is so…so…” Tom gave me a look and I caved, “Fine! He’s hot!” I sighed.

Tom nodded his head, “But that doesn’t give him the right to pick up girls, use them, and spit them out.” I added.

“Yeah, but I heard that he actually treats people he likes right.”

“Yeah right.”

Our conversation ended as the bell rang for class.


First chapter good or not? Let me know!!!!

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