The Great Dragons

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Once upon a time, long before Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was even a thought in the minds of the founders, there were Dragons. No, Not the ones you'd find now, guarding vaults of meaningless metal and used in sporting events. Treated without respect. All history of their conception erased from time. These great dragons were powerful, wise, and as large as the skies they called home. They were beautiful creatures, wiser than even the smartest human and more beautiful than anything words can describe. They ranged in colors, from pure snowy white that rivaled the tops of the mountains they perched upon, to iridescent purple, the color changing depending on where you looked from. Red that danced like the fires they breathed and the deepest of black that absorbed any light that shone on it. There were many families of great Dragons and together they ruled over the Wizarding world. Keeping peace and standing against any human who thought himself to be a conqueror. It worked well for hundreds of years until magic started changing, evolving. With evolution came knowledge and with knowledge came wands that could produce newer spells, powerful jinxes, and deadly hexes. The Dragon's power had become obsolete when wizards could channel their powers with the use of trees that were fueled by the magic of Mother Earth herself. Combined with the power of the magical creatures surrounding them, wizards were quickly becoming too powerful to control. One wizard figured out how to create wands so powerful, no one would be able to beat him. His name was Antioch Peverell and he had been the first human to kill a Dragon. Afterall, It was the heart string of the mate to the eldest of the Great Dragons, she had provided the core to the Death Stick he now possessed.

It was with this discovery, the catalyst to unimaginable death and destruction that lead to the great Dragon war of 1030. Antioch had spread the word and though most still believed in and respected the Great Dragons, some had rallied around Antioch. In him they fashioned a Dark Lord. The very first of his kind. Villages were burned to the ground, wizards who protected the Great Dragons were burned along with their children. Mountains were blown apart, the homes of the great dragons brutalized and destroyed. There was murder and destruction anywhere the Dragons hid until all but three were dead. The last three Dragons: One as white as a summer cloud, one as black as the soul of Antioch, and one the exact shade of purple that the sky turned when the sun set. They had gathered in a cavern on a peak of the highest mountain where no human dared enter.They met for seven days until they had come upon a solution. They had created a spell, one that would keep them safe and ensure the protection of their species. The spell would strip their consciousness from the body of a dragon and place them instead, in the bodies of Antioch’s most trusted men. His inner Circle. Lucian, Huberus, and Ursae. They would infiltrate and destroy from the inside out, they would bring down the human who’d dared think himself powerful enough to destroy the Dragons. The body of the dragon would remain alive with only the consciousness of an animal, they would fly far away to the wild places where humans had yet to venture. The one flaw in their plan was the constrictions of the human body. The magical core was neither strong nor big enough to contain the true power of the Dragons. So they split their cores down the middle and stored them inside the crystals that had formed in the mountain cliffs. A diamond, an Amethyst, and a black opal to be be kept and protected, never to be separated from its other half.

The plan had gone perfectly following the transition. Once they had become accustomed to their new bodies it had taken less than an hour for all of Antioch's followers to be put to death and then fifteen minutes for the Dark Lord himself to die. With this, the Dragons went back to their village and acquainted themselves with their new lives, no one ever noticing that all three men now shared one distinct feature: eye’s that were grey and almost icy in color. The only hint of their histories the only clue that the Dragons still lived.

Years passed and so the Lore was forgotten, the Great Dragons fading into the past. Life was peaceful and Wizarding kind lived on.The Dragons died of old age, all the while passing down their history to the first born son.On it went until one very important day: October 31st 1981 when a prophecy was fulfilled and a child was left orphaned. On that night Lucius Malfoy felt a burning on his left forearm. A sign he thought meant that the dark lord had finally fallen, he was mistaken, for when he looked down he found a strangely familiar symbol where the dark mark had once marred his skin. The Skull and snake were gone now replaced with a mark that was white against his already pale complexion. It was an ouroboros, only instead of a snake it depicted a dragon eating its own tail. Panicked, Lucius ran to the manor library, to the far back corner where a painting hung of the very first of the Malfoy line. Where he had seen this very symbol before. The man had hair so white it almost seemed translucent, he stood tall and imposing, holding a sword with a hilt made of Mother of pearl and a diamond the size of a quaffle fitted into the butt. On the man’s forearm was the same mark held proudly for the world to see. His family's secret, his ancestors sacrifice. Lucian smiled down at the young man, seeing the sigil and understanding that the time had come for the Dragons to gather. The portrait swung forward and revealed a glittering silver sword, the same sword that he had admired in the painting. As his fingers connected with the hilt a warmth spread throughout his body and wrapped around the very core of his magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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