Lost Soul, Now Found (Chapter 23)

Start from the beginning

The bell rang and Roman was quick on the attack. Tyler felt like he needed to do something, he wanted to help Bray, but he remembered that Bray told him to stay seated. The match was back and forth. Tyler wasn't really sure what to do as he heard several chants yelled by the crowd. As the match was about to end, Roman hit Bray with the Superman Punch, and to Tyler, it really looked like Bray was hurt. He was kind of scared of Roman, but wanted to help Bray. He got up from his seat, and right as Roman was going for the Spear, Tyler ran into the ring. Roman stopped before he hit Tyler, he was confused as to what was going on. Tyler ran at Roman and started hitting him. Of course to Roman, it didn't hurt having a little kid hitting him, but the ref still called for a disqualification. Bray wasn't happy about it, but kept his cool since he was on TV. He stood behind Tyler, and stared straight at Roman, almost as a warning to tell him not to try anything. Roman only laughed and backed away as he let Bray and Tyler leave the ring and go up the ramp. Once they were backstage and off camera Bray went off on him.

"What were you doing?! Why didn't you listen to me?! I told you to stay in your seat until I came to get you!"

Bray was going to continue, but he stopped when he saw the look on Tyler's face. He looked terrified, and he looked like he was about to cry. This reminded Bray of when his father would yell at, and sometimes beat him. Tyler had also just lost his mother, so his emotions were probably all over the place. Bray realized that yelling at him probably wasn't the best way to go. One thing he promised to himself was to be a better man than his father. He hadn't put his hands on Tyler, but he still probably hurt him emotionally by yelling at him. He wasn't mad because he lost the match, he was mad because Tyler didn't listen to him. He was also concerned because Tyler could have got hurt going into the ring, especially when a man Roman's size was about to Spear him. Bray had to calm himself down before he spoke again. A few tears fell down Tyler's face, now Bray felt bad.

"Hey... Come here... I'm sorry."

Bray wrapped his arms around Tyler to calm him down.

"I'm sorry ok... I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry if I scared you or hurt your feelings... My father... He would say hurtful things and beat me, I always swore that I would never be like my father. I was just a little upset because you didn't listen to me. I was also concerned because you came into the ring and could have got hurt... You were probably just trying to help right?"

Tyler looked up at him and nodded.

Bray smiled at him and pat him on the back.

"It's ok... You meant well, but next time stay in your seat. I wouldn't want you getting hurt."

Tyler finally spoke.

"I thought he hurt you... He hit you really hard."

Bray laughed at this.

"It's all part of the show. It's supposed to look like it hurts, sometimes it does, but I'm ok. Let's go find the others."

Right as they were walking along, they bumped into Dean Ambrose. Dean actually recognized Tyler, but smirked at Bray anyway. Once Tyler saw Dean, he didn't know what it was, but he felt uncomfortable around him. What no one knew is that Dean was the one that killed his mother. Tyler stayed close to Bray as Dean came closer.

"Hey Bray!... What are you babysitting now? Who's the kid?"

"That's none of your business Ambrose. Don't you have something better to do other than terrorizing my sister and little kids?"

"Oh... So now I'm terrifying... I think I do your job better than you do... Mr. So Called Face Of Fear."

"Just stay out of our way Ambrose!"

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