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"Oi Jolly, say something. You're being very rude" He said, poking my check. With each poke I got more and more irritated. Until I snapped and slapped his hand away of course.

"My name isn't Jolly"
"Oh.. Holly then right? I must've gotten it mixed up.." He muttered the last part
"No! No no no! Not even close!"
"Grr... It's Emily you ass!" I growled, my patience finally snapping along with my respect. Oh wait, he never earned any.

"Emily? Since when did we have an Emily in our school?" He turned to his friends and they all shrugged and shock their heads. Are they for real?

"Since last year dumbass." I said quietly. Who knows what they could do to me if they actually heard me.

"Oh wait! I remember now!" Snapped who I think is Megan "Shes the loner in Maria's class."

"Oh. Right, her." Said Maria, looking down. It was like she was embarrassed or something.

"Mar why didn't you say something earlier?" Asked Alicia.

"I wasn't sure if it was her or not." Countered the latter


I've had enough of this. I pick up my uneaten lunch and slowly creep out of the class while they're still fighting. They didn't notice at first but as soon as I was out of sight, they stopped fighting and started laughing. I was outside the classroom, not half way across the room.

"What a weirdo right guys?" laughed Oliver. Umm hello? I'm still here!
"Right!" They all agreed.

Ugh, I knew he was mocking me. I don't need friends like that. Heck I don't need friends at all!

"I know you're there Emily." I heard a small voice in the distance. I look to the side of me and spy a lone Maria against the wall.

"You're not going to tell them are you?" I whispered back. To my reluctances, she shook her head and signaled me to go. I need to do more research. These people are interesting. Very interest. I smirk as I run away from the class, the door looking smaller and smaller until it's no longer in my view.


I had spent the rest of lunch stal- I mean researching them. I really prefer the term 'researching'
instead. So, lemme introduce them to you. No like I mean their personalities. You already know what they look like.

Lets start off with Alicia

-Super hyper when consumes enough caffeine
-Loves cats
-Has been friends with Oliver ever since second grade


-School's beauty guru
-Is adored by everyone
-Super popular
-Childhood friends with Alicia
-Has known Oliver since third grade
-People think she's just using him for his popularity


-Loves Flowers
-Likes the colour blue
-Has a crush on Oliver
-Has known Oliver since eight grade
-Best friends with Megan and Maria


-Models for part time
-Loves Shopping and fashion
-Super popular
-Best friends with Jessica and Maria
-Loved by all
-Has known Oliver since seventh grade


-Super shy
-Doesn't talk much
-Super smart (almost as smart as me)
-Not very well known
-Oliver's favourite
-Has know Oliver since birth

And that's all I found out so far. The name someone gave their group was Squid. I don't know and I don't wanna know. Out of all the things, why a Squid?

I sigh as I close my laptop. I lean back and sink my back onto the wall behind me. Another long stressful day. Don't get me wrong, just because I'm smart, doesn't mean I don't hate school. Okay, maybe hate is a little too strong. How about really really really really really dislike it. Yeah that works. I really really really really really dislike school.

I hear the bell go off and head back to the classroom, where I hope they aren't still there.
I take a peek into the classroom expecting to see nothingness but nope nope nope! They're still there. Still around my table, still talking. I don't know what I'm going to do anymore. None of the other students have really noticed me so I can't really ask for help. They'll pester me if I go talk to them. Maybe I can wait for them to leave, cuz you know, class is about the start and all.


Several minutes pass and over half the class are in their seats. Holy sh*t do they not care about being late to class or not even attending class at all?

《 btw this story is just for fun. Don't expect regular updates like Typical. I was just inspired by some friends. Don't take this story seriously 》

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