You fainted......

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Lloyd kept stroking my hair .
"What happened to me " I asked
"You fainted child..." Sensei Garmadon replied.
"And then something....weird, happened...."
"What... What happened?" I asked.
"The floor electrocuted everyone but me and Lloyd." Jay said.
"But my element is earth isn't it like my brother  ?"
"I'm not so sure,Brooklyn. Legend  says there are two golden ninja, a male and female, they have every elemental power,and they are destined to be together forever. We already know Lloyd will be come a golden ninja . They are destined to be together forever,so then, maybe... Brooklyn is the female golden ninja....." Sensei Wu told.
"Me? The female golden ninja? Seriously?" I said excited.
"Sis calm Down we can't have you faint again."my annoying brother said.
"Fine what ever, I'll calm down."

I know ya did but if you don't stop reading this book now

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